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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 03, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Reeves moved TO APPROVE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE CITY OF <br />LAKE ELMO COUNCIL RETREAT AND PUBLISH ONLINE AND PLACE ON FILE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW. <br />Council Member Bloyer seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 13: 2014 ORGANZATIONAL CHART City Administrator Zuleger explained the previously submitted org chart. It includes three title changes: Adam Bell to Assistant City Administrator; Beckie Gumatz - Deputy Clerk. Kyle Klatt – Director of Community Development. Proposal also adds Parks Maintainer role. Mr. Zuleger explained the time apportionment of staff. He also noted that Mr. Bell’s role and apportionment will probably continue to change throughout the year with new duties. Public Works staff will start new merit/proficiency pay structure. The structure includes skills mastery to advance through steps. Overall the City is still below many of comparable municipalities, but hopefully this will make City competitive. Council Member Nelson asked about new positions job descriptions. Deputy Clerk has a description and Mr. Klatt’s description will stay the same, but Mr. Bell’s is being devised. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO APPROVE THE 2014 CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ACCOMPANIED BY THE 2104 PERSONNEL COMPENSATION <br />DISTRIBUTION AND THE CITY OF LAKE ELMO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PAY <br />CLASSIFICATION MATRIX. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS <br />Mayor Pearson: Hwy 5 work begins this week; Parks Commission retreat on 9/28. Mayor is okay with waiting until after retreat for meeting again with Parks Commissioners individually; recognized Jill Martin, who picks up trash. He thinks it’s great. The Mayor thanked her for her efforts. <br />Council Member Bloyer: is also okay with waiting until after the retreat to meet with Parks Commissioners. He thanked Mike Cornell, Ryan Stempski, Rick Chase, and Adam Bell and staff for being great to work with on city issues. <br />Council Member Smith: Lake Elmo Days, thanked staff who worked on it; Alyssa MacLeod, Cathy Bendel, Greg Malmquist, and all the rest. Lions park Friday night and Saturday all afternoon. City Administrator noted the Battle of the Bands event Friday night. <br />Council Member Nelson: is also fine with waiting until after retreat for Parks meetings. <br />Council Member Reeves: will be attending Parks Commission retreat. <br />City Administrator Zuleger: presented letter from the business community. Met with Moody’s. They were very impressed. MPCA – Hamlet at sunfish lakes. Meeting; Adam Josephson construction at night; thanked Mss. Waters and Obermueller for luncheon; Public Works has chipped 6,500 cubic feet of wood chips from the storm; again thanked Dave Snyder for working during his vacation. <br />City Attorney Snyder: worked on Section 34 easements and assessment petitions/waivers. <br />City Planner Klatt: Comp Plan review to Met Council. Tonight’s wastewater amendment will help move that forward; meet with MnDOT Aeronautics; village mixed use zoning and design standards at Planning Commission in September;