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09-10-2013 SCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-10-2013 SCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> September 10, 2013 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />cats and dogs. Animals are not being picked up from the shelter. Prior to this year, deputies were really not even picking up dogs. They were not picking up cats at all. Mr. Bloyer asked if striping rural roads was required. City Administrator Zuleger explained that MSA qualified roads are required to have traffic control measures, which include striping. Council Member Nelson noted his concern with the amount of health insurance costs. Council Member Smith stated that her memory is that the cost used to be more reasonable, but there were some employee health issues that necessitated adding to plan. City Administrator Zuleger explained that employee utilization rate is extremely well. The employer ratio of payment is about 85%. Being in the 80-20 range is attractive for staff retention and recruitment. The type of plan was discussed. It was pointed out that a quality health plan does play a role in attracting a talented workforce. City Administrator Zuleger explained that the City is part of a health service co-operative, which greatly reduces costs. Ms. Bendel gave a short history of the levy, and overview of the General Fund expenditures, and personnel. Mayor Pearson spoke on the condition of the streets and possibly addressing the repairs in a more aggressive fashion. The Council consensus is to perhaps spend some of the undesignated fund balance on streets repair. Council Member Smith asked why the employee pay breakdown does not include time staff has spent on issues with the library and asked for an explanation of what the library has spent to date. Ms. Bendel stated that because the library is a different fund and is paid out as the expense occurs that is not reflected. <br />ITEM I-C: FIRE RELIEF PENSION AMENDMENT Council Member Nelson explained his opinion that it would be reasonable to approve plan B , which provides a bump in pension but keeps city solvent through 2017. He noted that any change has to come back to council. Mayor Pearson concurred with the Plan B assessment. <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO ADOPT FIRE RELIEF PENSION AMENDMENT <br />PLAN B, THEREBY KEEPING THE PENSION BENEFIT AT $3,100 AND INCREASING TO <br />$3,400 IN 2014, 2015, 2016, AND 2017. Mayor Pearson seconded the motion. <br />Mayor Pearson thanked District Chief Winkels for his efforts. <br />MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM 1-D. APPROVE PROPOSED GENERAL LEVY AND PROPOSED 2014 BUDGET; <br />RESOLUTION 2013-73 <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO ADOPT 2014 LEVY AND BUDGET. Council Member <br />Bloyer seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />ITEM I-E: BUDGET MEETING CALENDAR UPDATE Finance Director Bendel explained changes and updates to the budget calendar. There will be workshops on October 8 and November 12 if needed. The need for holding a second meeting in December was discussed. Council Member Smith said she believes we should have two meetings in December, especially with all the business going on in the City. The
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