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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 06, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 9 <br /> <br />Mayor Pearson spoke on gossip. It is very destructive to relationships. The Mayor offered tips to avoid gossip: Before speaking about anyone imagine they are present; imagine if you would have to apologize if that person found out what you said; if you have to look behind you, it is probably gossip; using the phrase “love that guy, but..”; stated that even if it is true, it can still be gossip. <br />PRESENTATIONS Quality Star Award presentation postponed until next meeting. <br />CONSENT AGENDA 3. Approve Payment of Disbursements and Payroll in the Amount of $286,015.19 4. 2013 Crack Seal Project – Pay Request No. 1 (FINAL) 5. Section 34 Water and Sewer Utility Extension Improvements – Change Order No. 1 6. Lake Elmo Sewer Infrastructure Improvements: I-94 to 30th St. – Change Order No. 2 7. Encroachment Agreement – 10950 57th St. N 8. Encroachment Agreement – 5820 Lily Ave. N. 9. Establishment and Appointment of Lake Elmo Public Safety Committee 10. Approve New Council Memo Format 11. New Single Axle Plow Truck Purchase 12. Approve Resolutions 2013-90A/B Calling For Public Hearing To Vacate Easement; Resolution <br />2013-90A, Resolution 2013-90B <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. Council Member Reeves seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 11: NEW SINGLE AXLE PLOW TRUCK PURCHASE City Administrator Zuleger provided the background on the truck purchase and explained the reason for the increase in price. Ford stopped making the Sterling model. MAC committee chose to purchase the Mack truck with Mack engine. Due to this different truck option, there is an increased price. The truck will not be available until next year due to backorders. Council Member Nelson would like the city to wait until 2014 to purchase the truck in order to take advantage of the City’s new tax-exempt status in 2014. <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF A NEW MACK GU812 TRUCK EQUIPPED WITH THE TOWMASTER COMPONENT PACKAGE FOR $197,661.26 (AFTER <br />JANUARY 1, 2014 TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TAX-EXEMPT STATUS). Council Member Reeves <br />seconded the motion. Mr. Zuleger pointed out that City is still purchasing under the state contract. <br />MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />REGULAR AGENDA <br />ITEM 13A: KEATS MSA STREET AND TRUNK WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS – ASSESSMENT HEARING ON STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND ADOPTING THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL City Engineer Griffin provided overview of the Keats Ave. street and trunk watermain improvements. He explained that the street and water are two separate items. Mr. Griffin explained the street portion. The final unit assessment amount for each benefiting property is $3,400. Mr. Griffin provided overview of notice process and assessment details. Mayor Pearson asked about who performs the inspection on the work. Mr. Griffin explained that the final inspection walkthrough is completed by a city team consisting of himself, Chad Isakson, Ryan Stempski, and Mike Bouthilet as well as the contractor. There is a one year warranty on the work and ongoing punchlists for corrective actions are maintained.