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11-06-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-06-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 06, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 4 of 9 <br /> <br />Reeves wants to make sure that the city has effectively looked at the impact. Mr. Griffin assured him that the City has. Ms. Smith asked Mr. Griffin to further explain Ms. Slomkowski’s issues. Mr. Griffin said her property was always listed on the preliminary assessment roll. Council has previously discussed how to deal with distant properties. The half assessment was part of that decision. Mayor Pearson noted insurance benefit as well as additional benefits of proximity to water. Mr. Reeves clarified that the access to the hydrant is a benefit. City Attorney Snyder explained the assessments can actually exceed the cost of the work. It is actually the value of the benefit that can be assessed. At times the benefit can exceed the cost of the project. That is not the case here. The city’s portion is about 95% of the cost. <br />Mr. Sessing thanked council for splitting assessment. He asked that the water improvements be registered so that owners can receive insurance benefit. <br />MOTION: Council Member Reeves moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2013-92, ADOPTING THE <br />FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE KEATS MSA STREET <br />AND TRUNK WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. Council Member Bloyer stated that he was not pleased with how the City got here. He voiced his concerns over past planning and failures in development. Council Member Smith reminded everyone that 10 years ago was very different time and situation for the city. The attitude was how to comply with the MOU. City did the best that they could at the time. Council Member Nelson stated that all the future properties in the south will be paying the $5800 going forward. It is not always going to be fair to everyone. <br />MOTION PASSED 5-0 <br />ITEM 14: LAKE ELMO AVENUE TRUNK WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS – RESOLUTION <br />RECEIVING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT City engineer Griffin provided overview of the Lake Elmo trunk watermain project. The proposed improvements include the extension of trunk watermain along Lake Elmo Avenue, from the existing Village water system, south approximately 2.5 miles to the future intersection location of Lake Elmo Avenue and 5th Street. The improvements are identified for construction in 2014 and are consistent with the draft capital improvement plan. Individual home service stubs and fire hydrants will be installed as a part of the project as the trunk watermain is extended past existing residential properties. The improvements will benefit the property owners by providing them the opportunity to connect to the municipal water system and will provide increased fire protection for the property. Council Member Nelson asked about whether pipe will be installed in street or on grass. Mr. Griffin stated it will be under the street along the lake and under the boulevard after we get south of the lake. Mr. Griffin stated that this project has been planned for a while, but timing has never been decided. Three recent requests for water from developers is why project is now being brought forward. Mr. Griffin explained that the project area includes 44 properties, but only 35 assessments (32 resident properties (1 unit each) and 1 commercial property (3 units)) for properties benefiting from the proposed improvements. Proposed cost is $2.9 million. Mr. Griffin explained the potential development revenue for each of the proposed developments. The recommendation is for 35 properties assessed at $2,900, with an additional $2,900 lateral benefit charge deferred until the property chooses to connect to the water system. Payable over 15 years. He explained additional owner costs and City costs for service stubs installation. He also explained benefits and provided and overview of the schedule and noted important decision points.
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