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11-06-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-06-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 06, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 7 of 9 <br /> <br />Council Member Nelson asked for clarification on the lighting requirements. Mr. Johnson stated there are no conflicts. Mr. Bloyer asked about the design review. Mr. Johnson stated that the intention is to be ahead of development. Ms. Smith asked about what will happen to the placeholders currently in the code and the impact of the village mixed use dist. Mr. Johnson said that eventually each district will include the standards by reference. Mr. Nelson asked about the term “simulated” materials. He would like greater clarity provided. City Administrator Zuleger noted that the language provides a bit more flexibility. It was agreed that some examples should be provided. The question of whether these standards should be codified or in a manual form was further discussed. A manual would be able to be changed much more easily; another advantage is that the manual can include pictures; City Attorney Snyder noted that the flexibility would be good when first starting out. All Council members expressed some reservations with some specifics, but overall were supportive of the manual. Perhaps guidelines as opposed to standards where applicable would be a better approach. Whether the Council should have a workshop on this item was discussed. Mayor Pearson and Council Members Nelson, Reeves, and Bloyer were all in favor of this. Council Member Smith does not want to wordsmith the document. Mr. Zuleger encouraged Council to pass the mixed use zoning ordinance tonight so that the village growth does not fall further behind the I94 area. Mr. Reeves wants to make sure that what is passed is thoroughly analyzed by the council. He also does not want to wordsmith the document or dismiss the work that the Planning Commission has already done, but he wants to be diligent in substantive analysis. <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO POSTPONE ITEMS 19 AND 20 UNTIL THE 11/12 COUNCIL WORKSHOP. Council Member Reeves seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 20: DESIGN REVIEW ORDINANCE <br />POSTPONED TO 11/12 WORKSHOP <br />ITEM 17: VMX – VILLAGE MIXED USE DISTRICT ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT Klatt presented the proposed ordinance. The VMX ordinance has been drafted in order to help implement the recently adopted land use plan for Village Planning Area. The intent of the VMX ordinance is to facilitate development that is consistent with a compact, walk-able environment that builds upon the historical land use patterns of the Village. It has also been designed to allow a wide range of uses and activities and encourages the mixing of different use types. The ordinance includes standards for specific development types with provisions that address the unique character of the Village. In general, the proposed ordinance standards will allow a much higher degree of flexibility for building and activity in the Village than is presently permitted under current ordinances. There are presently three distinct districts in the Village for commercial, residential, and public development, and none of these districts are structured in a manner that is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. By creating a new VMX district within the Village Planning Area, the City will better be able to plan for future development that meets the objectives of the Village Land Use Plan. The reference to the Master Plan was discussed. It was explained that it was a document that was accepted by the Council in 2007. Council Member Smith asked about the sliver of zoning on the map. Mr. Klatt explained that it would be revisited at a later point as a perfecting amendment. Ms. Smith also asked about public facility zoning. Mr. Klatt stated that those areas will be guided as public uses, but the mixed use allows greater flexibility. Discussion of how that zone would be changed. It would be changed at a future date if needed.
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