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• Parking- allowing only certain percentage. Mayor stated that he thinks the <br />commercial would be better if the businesses could show off customers or <br />activity. Thinks it would be better for businesses in the commercial. “are <br />encouraged not to exceed” for commercial and business park. <br />• Discussion again about the nature of the document. Klatt stated that it is important <br />that if the council wants any provisions that are critical need to be codified if the <br />document is only a guideline. Smith commented that developers have stated their <br />willingness to abide by the stds, but need to know what the guidelines are. Reeves <br />noted that having the guidelines ready and available are more welcoming to <br />• Building materials in the zoning code. Nelson said that builders want the <br />requirements to be known. Klatt noted that the manual is easier to update when <br />needed. <br />• Staff review. Anything permitted will not go through the comm. or council. The <br />• Discussion of site plan review amendment. Klatt explained the rationale for <br />eliminating it in the near future. Noted that the council is the appeal body for any <br />application. Bloyer stated that the intent of the VMX ord was only if the footprint <br />was expanded. <br />• Building placement stds apply to I94. <br />• Lighting, trees, and signs. It was noted that the lighting amendment was on the <br />plate to be addressed in the near future. <br />• “Lake Elmo design guidelines and standards” <br />• If any conflicting provisions are found, they will be addressed. The more strict <br />provisions will control. <br />• Smith asked that the highest level pictures be used. <br />• Nelson asked about pg10(h) <br />• Bloyer asked about the village mixed use. He has concerns about being able to fill <br />it. He wants the businesses supported and draw people in. concerned about biting <br />off more than we can chew. Smith noted that the market will determine whether it <br />will work. The nature of the village and VMX was discussed. <br />2. Review Ordinance <br />Klatt explained the intent of the ordinance. <br /> E. 2014 BUDGET WORKSHOP/ENTERPRISE FUNDS <br />Bendel provided overview of the changes since the last CIP/2014 budget workshop. <br />Overview of the budget to date. ~$39K. most depts. were on track. <br /> Went through the budget book. Cathy asked what the council wanted to see. Smith asked for the month to month updates. Mayor asked if quarterly would be better. Discussion of <br />how much work it would be to provide. Quarterly enterprise update is sufficient. Reeves <br />asked to see an executive summary that would flag the items that would be damaging.