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11-19-2013 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-19-2013 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> NOVEMBER 19, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 6 <br /> <br />to about 12,000 in current collection. It is suggested that community donate funds to purchase specific books. Books would have donation recognition in book. <br />SPEAK YOUR PEACE – NELSON Council Member Nelson spoke on the tenet Pay Attention. Be aware and tend to people in world around you. It starts with listening really well and then focusing your energy on conversation and situation. Live in the moment. Mr. Nelson gave examples of where people may tend to drift out of attention. He also noted Mr. Reeves’ recent question of “is this a good time?” which forces you to actively pay attention. <br />PRESENTATION - QUALITY STAR AWARD TO FINANCE DIRECTOR CATHY BENDEL City Administrator Zuleger explained the Growth Pro Forma that Ms. Bendel developed. He presented quality star award for her hard work and dedication Lake Elmo in creating tracking system for future growth. <br />CONSENT AGENDA 2. Approve Payment of Disbursements and Payroll in the amount of $1,147,283.47 3. Accept Financial Report dated October 31, 2013 4. Accept Building Permit Report dated October 31, 2013 5. Production Well No. 4 – Pay Request No. 4. 6. Production Well No. 4 - Change Order No. 1. 7. Section 34 Water and Sewer Utility Extension Improvements – Pay Request No. 1. 8. Lake Elmo Sewer Infrastructure Improvements: I-94 to 30th St. – Pay Request No. 2. 9. Street Capital Improvement Program - Authorize Geotechnical Services for Streets programmed in 2014-2016 10. Approve Public Works Radio Purchase for SCADA System Removed from agenda by staff 11. Approve RFP for New City Assessor as of 2/1/2014 <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />REGULAR AGENDA <br />ITEM 12 ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS; ORD. 08-093, ORD. 08-094 Building Official Chase explained the proposed ordinance. Currently, the state provides all electrical inspections. If City takes over the role, revenue would shift to the City from the state. Residents would be able to pull permits at city hall as opposed to through the state. Staff hopes that within a year, applications would be available online. Staff recommends retaining the current inspector Joe Wheaton as inspector via contracted services. Council Member Reeves asked about threats or the downside with taking over the role. Mr. Chase said there really aren’t any that he could determine. Conversations with cities that do this only had positive comments. Mr. Reeves asked about Mr. Wheaton’s availability and possible absences. There would be three people including Mr. Wheaton and two other back-ups. They are currently handling Cottage Grove and Woodbury. Council Member Bloyer asked about the state statute being less restrictive. Mr. Chase explained that one difference is that state allows owners to do own electrical work. City is proposing that it requires owners to use a certified/qualified/licensed electrician to pull electrical permit. Mr. Chase’s noted the most important factor is life/safety. Mr. Bloyer asked about when this program would be implemented. Mr. Chase explained that it has to be brought to state for approval and at
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