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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 03, 2013 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 9 <br /> <br />middle school age in surrounding area districts. Most of the students in Stillwater schools will attend the proposed facility instead of the northern facility being constructed in Blaine. Council Member Bloyer asked how long Stillwater schools have been involved. Mr. Lunn stated that it has been since the early 1970s. <br />SPEAK YOUR PEACE – BLOYER Council Member Bloyer spoke on the Speak Your Peace tenet of Respect. It is especially important in Lake Elmo. The Council has turned a corner in how it conducts itself. Respect means honoring other people and their opinions even when there are disagreements. Historically, the practice has been to make personal attacks. Now the council tolerates differences. Important to give attention when others are speaking, listen, and give positive body language. Council Member Reeves noted he is supporting the initiative by City Administrator Zuleger and Alyssa MacLeod. <br />ITEM 2: 2014 PROPOSED TAX LEVY AND GENERAL FUND BUDGET TAXES - PUBLIC HEARING; <br />RES. NO. 2013-99 City Administrator Zuleger provided a quick overview of the 2014 budget. Finance Director Bendel went through the 2014 budget in greater detail including levy history, tax base, revenues/expenditures, debt policy, existing debt, future financing, and development philosophy. Mr. Zuleger further explained the development philosophy- includes 100% developer paid infrastructure improvements; irrevocable letter of credit; comprehensive escrow agreements for 100% cost recovery; thorough credit rating and analysis of developers; strict adherence to comprehensive plan “no poaching” policy (no spot zoning). No tax levy or tax rate increase for 2014; strong tax base market increase helped. Council Member Nelson asked for better explanation of 5th street funding. Ms. Bendel explained that bond was secured and first part was assessed. After project is actually finished, the balance will be assessed. Mr. Zuleger explained the process of the anticipated installation of the street. Council Member Reeves commended staff and council for hard work. Consensus of the council was that the budget book was good. <br />MOTION: Council Member Nelson moved TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. Council Member Bloyer <br />seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. Public Hearing opened at 7:35pm Mayor Pearson called for public comment three times. There was no public input. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Council Member Reeves seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. Public Hearing closed at 7:36pm <br />MOTION: Council Member Reeves moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2013-99, ADOPTING THE 2014 GENERAL FUND BUDGET. Council Member Nelson seconded the motion. Council Member Nelson thinks it’s great that city is keeping taxes flat. Mr. Zuleger pointed out that due to the school levy some properties will increase, but over 2/3 of the properties will actually see a decrease. <br />MOTION PASSED 4-0 (Roll call vote taken). <br />CONSENT AGENDA