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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 2014 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br /> <br />is opening up space to children’s room. Expect to be in space by early June; Library will be closed on Memorial Day. <br />PRESENTATIONS <br />a. Lake Elmo Rotary <br />Jim Leonard from the Lake Elmo Rotary Club presented check to the city of Lake Elmo in amount of $1,100 <br />from the Gold Plate Dinner. He also thanked Mike Bouthilet and Public Works for the job they have done <br />with the ice rinks. The Mayor thanked Rotary for the contribution to the City. Council Member Reeves <br />commended the school class for their efforts. <br />b. Lake Elmo Elementary Speak Your Peace Recap <br />Alyssa MacLeod introduced Lake Elmo Elementary 6th grade teacher Paula Verstegen. Ms. Verstegen spoke <br />about how the 6th grade class implemented Speak Your Peace. Students presented video that they created. <br />c. Fire Department New Officer <br />Fire Chief Malmquist explained the officer changes. He administered the oath to the new officers. New <br />officers are: Assistant Chief Mike Cornell, Station #1 Captain Nick Witter, and Station #1 Captain Lieutenant <br />Larry Cornell. Mayor Pearson thanked the Fire Department for their service. <br />d. Damon Farber Associates Streetscape Design <br />Tom Whitlock and Jesse Symynkywicz, of DFA presented the proposed streetscape design. He provided overview of the entire process that has been undertaken thus far. The opportunity to bury overhead power <br />lines and the related benefits was discussed. Xcel study will cost $5,000. Council Member Nelson asked about which lines. City Administrator Zuleger stated considering tracks to Hwy 5. Council Member Reeves <br />supports having Xcel do the study. Mayor Pearson does as well. Council Member Bloyer wants the business <br />community to fund the option. Council Member Smith supports spending the money for the study. She does not believe that the business community should have to pay for this on its own. She believes that this is an <br />investment in the downtown. Mr. Nelson supports doing the study, but he would like some buy-in by the business community. The Council consensus was to support the study. <br />The proposed enhanced intersections, sidewalk extension, and bump-outs were explained. Safety will improve <br />dramatically due to the shortened distances from curb to curb. This would also create a continuous sidewalk from south of the tracks north to Hwy 5. It was noted that closing several of the non-used driveways would <br />also add parking capacity. <br />Stormwater management was explained and can include rain gardens and similar vegetation, silva cells (storing water underneath boulevard trees), and permeable pavers. Mayor Pearson pointed out that the <br />options look great, but the cost will be a factor. Mr. Reeves supports possibly reusing the stormwater for irrigation. Ms. Smith commented again that many of these improvements are investments in developing a viable downtown. Mr. Nelson asked that the City Engineer provide input. Mr. Reeves expanded on Ms. <br />Smith’s comments that these are 40-50 year improvements. <br />Mr. Whitlock explained the three levels of streetscape improvements (Basic, Moderate, and Advanced) and <br />scope of proposed area. Ms. Smith stated that she would love to have the advanced level for the whole area, but thinks the main segment of Lake Elmo Avenue should have the advanced level to start and upgrade other remaining sections as downtown grows –basically Option 1. Mr. Bloyer stated he would support Option 1 if <br />he were to support the improvements. He noted that there are many variables involved. Mr. Reeves would support a hybrid Option 1.5. He questioned the need to have sidewalks farther south along Lake Elmo Avenue. Mr. Nelson urged baby steps and prudence. He would support Option 1. Mr. Zuleger asked if <br />Option 1 is selected, a gateway would be possible at Hwy 5 as well. DFA confirmed that it was. Council consensus was supportive of attracting people to downtown. <br />Public open house will be held on June 12th, and then the findings will be brought back to Council. <br />TIF Districts and redevelopment grant were discussed.