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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 3, 2014 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br /> <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2014-40, AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 08-111. Council Member Bloyer seconded the motion. <br />MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 15: GARAGE ORDINANCE; ORD. 08-112 <br />Community Development Director Klatt explained the reason this is amendment is being proposed. Staff has <br />learned that the current ordinance is extremely restrictive for proposed developments. Staff originally proposed a 75% limitation, but the Planning Commission recommended 60%. Mr. Bloyer expressed his <br />discomfort with any type of restriction such as this. He asked why this only applies to urban districts. It was <br />explained that our restriction is very unusual for sewered residential districts in other communities. <br />Council Member Smith asked if lots could be widened in order to eliminate the issue as well. Council Member <br />Nelson asked about concerns restricting certain types of homes. Mr. Klatt explained that townhomes and <br />other types of homes could have a difficult time complying. Staff expects to have to address those types in <br />the future. <br />It was explained that the garage front setback requirement was also eliminated. Council Member Reeves <br />asked about the threat of the risk of deterring builders and thence homebuyers. Staff confirmed that the <br />revision of 60% satisfies the current builder proposals. Mr. Reeves wants Lake Elmo to be competitive. <br />The Council discussed the builders’ desire for larger lots. Mr. Klatt explained that wetland areas and open <br />space have impacted the lot sizes. <br />It was explained again that this restriction only applies to developments in urban residential districts. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 08-112 AMENDING THE ZONING <br />ORDINANCE BY REVISING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ATTACHED GARAGES IN URBAN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. Council Member Reeves seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Bloyer expressed his belief that this is still too restrictive. It is better than what we currently have, but does not go far enough in his opinion. <br />Council Member Nelson wants the builders to have flexibility, but this is too restrictive. He is concerned <br />about non-single family homes. He wants variety and variation, but wants the market to dictate what should be built. Council discussed how to treat townhomes. Options would be to remove the limitation completely, <br />allow greater percentage for townhomes, or exempt townhomes. <br />Joe Joblonski from Lennar stated that 60% works for them right now, but it may not in the future or with other builders. Many custom builders and larger lots may want 4 car garages and the 60% may not work in <br />that case. He would like to see the restriction removed all together; however, the 60% does work for Lennar right now. Mr. Joblonski showed an example of a façade of a home that meets the 60% limitation. <br />Mayor Pearson asked when the ordinance came about. Mr. Klatt was not sure when or recall the specifics of <br />how, but that it was part of design standards to avoid home façades dominated by garages. <br />Mr. Nelson is okay with 60% for single-family detached homes and wants to support the Planning <br />Commission but wants the townhome issue addressed. <br />Mr. Zuleger urged prudence by making incremental changes to the code. Let the developers and Planning Commission work it out. He noted that staff has to update various code provision as we begin to deal with <br />development. Staff expects to bring more revisions to Council as we go. <br />Council further discussed how other communities don’t have any such restrictions and how to proceed. A friendly amendment was suggested of adding limiting language to single-family homes. Mayor Pearson and <br />Council Member Nelson accepted friendly amendment. <br />MOTION PASSED AS AMENDED 4-1 (Bloyer – nay). <br />ITEM 16: ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING TO APPROVE MS4 ANNUAL REPORT FOR MPCA <br />SUBMITTAL