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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MINUTES <br /> JUNE 10, 2014 <br /> <br />Page 1 of 3 <br /> <br />CITY OF LAKE ELMO <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />QUALITY OF LIFE WORKSHOP MINUTES <br />MARCH 11, 2014 Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson, Council Members Wally Nelson and Anne Smith <br />NOT PRESENT: Council Members Justin Bloyer and Mike Reeves. Also Present: City Administrator Zuleger, Finance Director Bendel, and City Clerk Bell. Library Director Linda Orsted, Library Board President Sarah Linder, Library Board Members Paul Ryberg, Steve DeLapp, Marjorie Williams, and Board Treasurer Ann Bucheck. Washington County Sheriff Bill Hutton and Deputy Commander Cheri Dexter <br />I. Focus of the Workshop: Building Community -Dean Zuleger City Administrator Zuleger explained the purpose of the workshop. <br />II. Lake Elmo Library Annual Presentation – Linda Orsted, Librarian a. Programming Library Director Linda Orsted provided overview of the library and the programs it offers. Ms. Orsted explained the multiple goals that the library has identified for 2015. Nelson asked what number of hours would be ideal. Orsted explained that some Sunday hours and some additional evening hours totaling about 12. b. 2015 Budget / Maintenance of Effort Board Treasurer Ann Bucheck provided overview of the proposed 2015 library budget including the anticipated expenses and revenue. Much of the expenses will go towards property maintenance and collection expansion. Pearson asked about collection expansion. It was explained that the library does not purchase every item requested, but most. Old and rare or expensive items are not purchased. Mayor suggested that the library perhaps look at some expenditures be done over extended years. Nelson asked about the fund balance. It was explained that the… Bendel said she would revise the budget sheet to reflect the proper cashflows. Discussion of cashflows. Pearson would like a more austere approach. Smith likes the collection policy. Asked if younger volunteers for night hours. Williams explained that they have tried, but have not had much success. Those students are very busy already. DeLapp spoke about the budget in regards to the exterior work that needs to be done. He asked that council take lead in some of the direction of the physical improvements. Bucheck suggested that the library is an asset to the community and a community gathering place. III. Public Safety – Policing – Sheriff Bill Hutton, Washington County a. Lake Elmo Statistics Sheriff Bill Hutton provided overview of the SO and the organization. He summarized the 2013 accomplishments and services offered. b. Policing Trends