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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 5, 2014 <br />Page 4 of 4 <br /> <br />Ms. Smith asked if the 3M property could be done by itself. Mr. Bloyer said it would be worse if done by <br />itself. <br />Council Member Reeves believes the properties are all different. The Friedrich property applicants were given <br />time to develop under rezoning, but nothing has come about. Because that expired, the property should be changed back. The other two parcels are different as they were done for different reasons. <br />Council Member Nelson struggles as well with the decision. Mr. Johnson further explained the impact of the <br />change on the properties. Mr. Nelson, despite his reluctance to reduce the development options for the <br />parcels under RAD, he would support changing them back to RAD. <br />Mayor Pearson concedes this decision causes “heartburn” for him as well, but he wants to stick to the facts <br />before them as there are no current submitted proposals. He does not believe this is a taking. He questions <br />whether the RAD-ALT category makes sense. That is the basic question before the City. The Planning <br />Commission believes it does not, and he supports that sentiment. <br />Ms. Smith reiterated the importance of respecting property rights. <br />Mr. Zuleger noted that staff is committed to re-evaluating the land use classifications following the <br />finalization of the 2040 Thrive projections. <br />Mayor Pearson challenged the accusations of unethical actions by reducing the zoning. Mr. Snyder clarified <br />that the decision is a policy decision and not a moral or ethical decision. Mr. Bloyer is glad that these density <br />discussions are being had. <br />MOTION PASSED 4-1 (SMITH – NAY). <br />STAFF REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS <br />City Administrator Zuleger: staff working on developments; Easton Village & 39th St. will be brought to <br />Council on August 19th as well as a possible 5th St. petition; staff has been working very hard on 2015 budget <br />and CIP; working on Public Works operations efficiency; 9447 Stillwater Blvd. clean up efforts involved suspect of recent law enforcement officer shooting. Cleaning up that property issue locally may have helped <br />the community avoid a similar tragedy. <br />City Attorney Snyder: working on 39th St. project documents; he thanked Council and staff for their efforts. <br />City Planner Johnson: plans have been moving forward regarding the Lake Elmo Ave. and Manning Ave. <br />projects. Those projects will be coming forward soon. It was confirmed that the resident concerns regarding trees on Lake Elmo Ave. has been brought to the county’s attention. <br />Finance Director Bendel: no report. <br />City Clerk Bell: Elections: Public Accuracy Test tomorrow at 1PM here in chambers. Next Tuesday, November 12th, State Primary Election from 7:00AM to 8:00PM. City Council Candidate filing period closes <br />on Tuesday, August 12th at 5PM. City Council Candidate withdrawal deadline is Thursday, August 14th at 5:00pm. City currently has received three candidate filings thus far. For more information, please contact City <br />Hall; Due to election, Council is reminded that the next workshop will be held Wednesday, August 13, 2014. <br />Council Member Nelson asked that a draft agenda be sent as soon as possible. <br />Mayor Pearson adjourned meeting at 9:00 pm. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br /> ATTEST: <br /> ______________________________ <br /> Mike Pearson, Mayor <br />_______________________________ Adam R. Bell, City Clerk