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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 2015 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br />Council Member Lundgren stated that she know the Valley Branch Watershed District does not want to <br />record their meetings. It was noted that it is not statutorily required. Mayor Pearson explained he is in favor <br />of public transparency. Council Member Fliflet does not believe there is a transparency issue because they are <br />open public meetings. Council Member Lundgren would like to table the item until Council Member Bloyer <br />is back. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO TABLE THE ITEM. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. <br />REGULAR AGENDA ITEM 11: BLINKOFF POOL – SALE OF PROPERTY IN DEMONTREVILLE WILDLIFE PARK; RES. NO. 2015-05, RES. NO. 2015-06, VACATION PUBLIC HEARING <br />Community Development Director Klatt provided overview of the background. He explained the land sale <br />discussion at the planning commission and the two recommended additional findings. Staff explained the <br />reason the initial estimate given to the Parks Commission was not obtained. The estimate was based on the <br />market value and City Assessor appraisal. City Attorney Snyder explained the legal options and implications <br />of each. The question of whether the City would ever want to develop the park land was posed. It was <br />pointed out that there is a natural gas pipeline running across the entire wildlife park that would make future <br />development difficult. Mr. Snyder was comfortable with proposed solution. It was noted that a formal <br />appraisal would cost the city a couple thousand dollars. <br />MOTION: Mayor Pearson moved TO OPEN PUBLIC HEARING. Council Member Lundgren seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. Public Hearing Opened at 8:23 pm <br />David and Mary Blinkoff, 7920 DeMontreville Trail North, explained how the pool was permitted and <br />installed. City Administrator Zuleger noted that the initial asking price offered the owners was $6,000.00. The <br />Blinkoffs explained that they had done everything in good faith, but the local contractor has been responsible <br />for the location. It was pointed out that the issue is time sensitive with the sale of their property. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. Council Member Lundgren seconded <br />the motion. MOTION PASSED 4-0. Public Hearing Closed at 8:27pm <br />Mayor Pearson recused himself. His company did not install the pool, but may service it. <br />MOTION A: Council Member Lundgren moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05, A <br />RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF PUBLIC PARK LAND. Council Member Fliflet seconded the motion. MOTION A PASSED 3-0-1. (Pearson abstained) <br />MOTION B: Council Member Lundgren moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2015-06, A <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF CITY PROPERTY FOR $3,000. Council Member Fliflet seconded the motion. MOTION B PASSED 4-0 <br />Council Member Smith expressed her sympathy for the Blinkoffs but explained she would have preferred a <br />higher negotiation price. Council Member Fliflet noted she wants to make sure it is clear this is not setting a <br />precedent. <br />City Clerk Bell explained that the previous question (Motion A) needs to be reconsidered as the vacation <br />legally requires a 4/5 vote for approval. City Attorney Snyder stated that there is no conflict for the Mayor’s <br />vote. <br />RECONSIDERATION OF MOTION A: Council Member Smith moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 2015-05, A RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF PUBLIC PARK LAND. Council <br />Member Lundgren seconded the motion. MOTION A PASSED 4-0. <br />Point of privilege taken at 8:33pm. Reconvened at 8:40 pm. <br />ITEM 13: 5TH STREET LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING PLAN REVIEW