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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 24, 2015 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br /> <br />City Clerk Bell explained that the council was being asked to call for a public hearing. He noted that the city has received many public comments. Council Member Bloyer explained the background of how the current <br />level was reached. Council Member Lundgren explained that preventing erosion damage was the reason she initially placed this on the agenda. She is not interested in addressing any other issues, such as hours of operation. <br />MOTION: Council Member Lundgren moved TO TABLE THE ITEM. Council Member Fliflet seconded the motion. Council Member Lundgren withdrew her motion to table. <br />Steve Verbeek, 8191 Hill Trail, is opposed to the OHW being lowered. He asked what the benefits of having <br />a no-wake restriction were. <br />Jonathan Early, 8032 Hidden Bay Trail, tired of item on city agenda. He disagrees with claims of erosion <br />caused by powerboats. <br />Dave Carlson, 8554 Hidden Bay Trail, opposed to reduction of trigger level and opposed to calling for a public hearing. He is tired of City discussing divisive item. He wishes City would instead come together. He <br />commended Council Member Smith on her past leadership on the current compromise. <br />Dave Sewell, 8200 Hill Trail, recently moved to city for lake recreation and would not have purchased <br />lakehome if stricter limitations were placed on lake. He is a civil and environmental engineer. He related data <br />from study on wave energy and erosion. <br />Karen Slakey, 7872 Demontreville Trail, opposed to changing the OHW level. <br />Denise Boczek, 8110 Demontreville Trail, asked when the city was ever set at OHW level. She is opposed to lowering the level. She questioned the need to change the level now. <br />Phil Eason, 7934 Hill Trail, wants to the City to move on. <br />Tony Haider, 4575 Olson Lake Trail 4575 opposed to lowering the no-wake level and opposed to calling for a public hearing. He asserted that the property value is affected by restrictions. <br />Brian Pitzen, 4554 Olson Lake Trail, asserted that the greater LDO members have not been consulted. He <br />also asserted that Lundgren has a conflict of interest in this item. It was explained by the city attorney that she does not. <br />Steve Schleicher, 4774 Olson Lake Trail, opposed to lowering the trigger. He does not believe that wake causes erosion. <br />Darrel Vossberg, 9436 Jane Road, opposed to further restriction. Has not seen the erosion. <br />Tom Burns, 7962 Hill Trail, opposed to lowering the trigger and opposed to the <br />Jim Schwalbach, 4555 Olson Lake Trail opposed to public hearing wants to enjoy the lake. <br />Michael Hillern, 4455 Olson Lake Trail, opposed to restriction. The lake is public and the city should not <br />restrict its use <br />Brenda Jo Carlson, 8554 Hidden Bay Trail, questioned the city requiring a public hearing. It was explained <br />that the MNDNR is requiring it. She spoke about OD being a “bounce lake” and the resulting fluctuating levels. She asked that individuals take personal responsibility. She presented a calendar of historical water <br />levels where the no wake restriction would have been triggered. <br />Cory Boudreau, 8382 Hidden Bay Trail, presented a diagram depicting the no wake trigger historical. He asked that it be attached to the record. He asserted that previous droughts caused people to forget what the <br />normal level is. <br />Terry Boczek, 8110 Demontreville Trail, took offense to accusation of template letters being submitted. She asked that the policy be simplified. She asked that level be raised if the level is discussed. <br />Noelle Verbeek, 8191 Hill Trail, was opposed to a holding another public hearing. She would rather have Council spend time and money on fighting milfoil. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO CALL FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON DATE <br />UNCERTAIN. Mayor Pearson seconded the motion. MOTION FAILED 0-5.