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CITY OF LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />APRIL 14, 2015 Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 9:25pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Council Members Julie Fliflet, Anne Smith, Justin Bloyer, and Jill Lundgren. <br />Staff present: City Administrator Zuleger, Community Development Director Klatt, City Engineer Griffin, <br />Finance Director Bendel, and City Clerk Bell. <br />PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE <br />Approval of agenda by consensus <br />WILDFLOWER PRELIMINARY PLAT; RES. NO. 2015-23 <br />Community Development Director Klatt provided summary of the proposed PUD development and the <br />process for a PUD. He explained the minor changes from the concept plan approved on 6/17/2014. The <br />flexibility that a PUD affords was explained. Mr. Klatt went over the critical path issues and provided an <br />update on issues identified during the Planning Commission public hearing. Staff recommends adding one <br />additional condition of allowing 10 foot side yard setbacks. <br />The alley streets were discussed. Conservation easements were discussed. Median maintenance and rain <br />gardens were discussed. Street naming was discussed. The sanitary sewer construction from 30th St lift station <br />to 39th St. was explained. <br />The previously discussed conditions placed on the Concept Plan and Comp Plan amendment were discussed. <br />Staff reported that all conditions have been met. <br />The proposed home size was explained to be about 1500 to 2200 for courtyard homes (Garden Villas); the <br />other lots include one stories with about 1800 sq ft and two stories with about 2200 sq ft. It was noted that <br />there are design standards in place, but they are not mandated by the City. <br />Staff supports the proposed PUD variances. It was pointed out that the 6ft fences in courtyard homes have <br />not been specifically reviewed, but if allowed they will be outside of the current fence regulations. <br />The plantings in the development were discussed. <br />Neil Krueger, 4452 Lake Elmo Ave, is concerned about the water issue. He thanked staff for addressing the <br />issue. <br />Richard Smith, 11514 Stillwater Blvd, spoke on behalf of Mary Jane Dupuis. He spoke in opposition to the <br />walking trail on Outlot H. It was noted that the HOA could create a trail at any later time if it was removed <br />from the plans. <br />Bob Engstrom, developer, spoke about the proposal and its unique features. <br />Mayor Pearson read letter from Mary Jane Dupuis. See Exhibit 20150414A <br />It was confirmed that the courtyard fences would have to be 4 feet max, but interior privacy fencing could be <br />allowed. <br />The accommodations afforded the surrounding property owners by the developer were explained. <br />Council Member Fliflet is strongly against adopting the County street naming convention. She is concerned <br />about safety as many of the streets do not extend through and it can cause confusion for emergency services. <br />Street naming was further discussed. Mr. Klatt explained that this is a bigger issue that needs resolution for <br />future developments. <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to adopt Resolution No. 2015-23, approving the Wildflower at <br />Lake Elmo Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Plan subject to 20 conditions of approval. Council <br />Member Fliflet seconded the motion.