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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 5, 2015 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />Community Development Director Klatt stated that this agreement follows the model that has been used for other <br />developments in the city. The overall project will include road and utility improvements. The total cost for the <br />improvements is estimated to be $1.6 million. <br />There were general questions from Council regarding the developer agreement. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2015-33, APPROVING THE <br />DEVELOPERS AGREEMENT FOR HUNTERS CROSSING 2ND ADDITION. Mayor Pearson seconded the <br />motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 7: VILLAGE PRESERVE FINAL PLAT; RESOLUTION NO. 2015-34. <br />Community Development Director Klatt presented the Village Preserve Final Plat, which has been submitted by <br />Gonyea. This is the first phase of a 91 unit residential subdivision, which is slightly lower than the preliminary plat. <br />Phase 1 is comprised of 25.64 acres and 46 single family lots. All lots would be accessed from Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />Mr. Klatt also outlined the 11 conditions of approval as recommended by staff. <br />Council Member Lundgren asked about the developer agreement and why it is not also being brought to council at <br />this time. Community Development Director Klatt stated that there are still some issues being worked out. At this <br />time, staff is comfortable moving the plat forward without the developer agreement. Having the developer <br />agreement executed is one of the 11 conditions of approval before the plat can be recorded. <br />Council Member Fliflet asked if we have 42nd Street elsewhere in the city. It was indicated that there is another 42nd <br />Street in the city. There was discussion about what to rename a numbered street. <br />MOTION: Council Member Lundgren moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2015-34, APPROVING THE <br />FINAL PLAT FOR THE FIRST PHASE OF THE VILLAGE PRESERVE RESIDENTIAL <br />SUBDIVISION WITH 11 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND CHANGING THE NAME OF 42ND <br />STREET. Council Member Fliflet seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />There was discussion regarding the street names of this plat. <br />ITEM 8: APPROVE SALE OF AERIAL FIRE TRUCK. <br />Fire Chief Malmquist discussed the sale of the aerial fire truck. The Pound, WI fire department has put in an offer. <br />They have come to look at the truck and put down a deposit. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO APPROVE THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFER TO <br />PURCHASE THE CITY OF LAKE ELMO USED LADDER FIRE TRUCK BY THE POUND FIRE <br />DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,500.00, WITH THE NET PROCEEDS OF $11,250.00 TO <br />BE USED FOR ADDITIONAL BUILD OUT ENHANCEMENTS TO THE NEW FIRE TRUCK. <br />Council Member Lundgren seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 9: APPROVE HIRING OF TAXPAYER RELATIONS COORDINATOR. <br />City Administrator Zuleger explained the Taxpayer Relations Coordinator position. Mr. Zuleger stated that these <br />duties are currently being split between the City Clerk, Deputy Clerk, and himself. <br />Council Member Fliflet asked if hiring and firing authority rested with the Council or Administrator. Attorney <br />Snyder stated that lower level employees are hired and fired by the Administrator subject to advice and consent of <br />the Council. <br />There was further discussion about the job duties of this position and why it is needed. <br />Dale Dorschner, 3150 Lake Elmo Avenue, stated that he does not agree with the council’s decision. He wants <br />council to support employees and let the administrator do his job.