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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 9, 2015 <br /> <br />Page 4 of 6 <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA CAPITAL INVESTMENT APPROPRIATIONS. Council Member Smith <br />seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 15: WATER TOWER #4 -APPROVE LAND PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br />City Administrator Zuleger and City Engineer Griffin explained the proposal and background. Griffin reviewed the agreement that has been reached with the landowner for purchase of land and easements. <br />Griffin also explained how the site was chosen and outlined the benefits of the location. <br />MOTION: Council Member Lundgren moved TO APPROVE THE WATER TOWER NO. 4 LAND <br />PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH 711 LAND HOLDINGS, LLC. Mayor Pearson seconded the motion. <br />Council Member Smith stated that she is not in favor of locating the water tower in the selected location due <br />to the residential <br />MOTION PASSED 4-1 (SMITH – NAY). <br />ITEM 16: EAST VILLAGE TRUNK SEWER AGREEMENT; RESOLUTION NO. 2015-52 <br />Griffin explained that the proposed agreement separates the water and sewer improvements from the development agreement to allow infrastructure work to commence prior to the residential development. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2015-52 APPROVING <br />THE DEVELOPER’S AGREEMENT FOR THE EASTERN VILLAGE TRUNK SEWER <br />PROJECT. Council Member Lundgren seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 17: AMENDMENT OF EASTON VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />Griffin explained that the proposed agreement represents the remainder of the agreement after the water and sewer portion was removed. <br />MOTION: Council Member Bloyer moved TO AMEND THE DEVELOPER’S AGREEMENT FOR <br />EASTON VILLAGE AS DRAFTED AND DOCUMENTED IN THE ATTACHED <br />AMENDED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. Council Member Lundgren seconded the motion. MOTION <br />PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 18: ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT – FREEWAY SIGNS FINDINGS FOR DENIAL; RESOLUTION NO. 2015-53 <br />City Attorney Snyder presented Findings for Denial that were prepared in response to a request for a zoning amendment to allow installation of freeway sign larger than what is allowed. <br />MOTION: Council Member smith moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2015-53, DENYING THE <br />REQUEST TO AMEND THE CITY’S SIGN ORDINANCE TO ALLOW FREEWAY SIGNS <br />ON COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES WITHIN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO I-94 CORRIDOR. Council Member Lundgren seconded the motion. <br />Mayor Pearson explained that he would vote against the motion for the reasons he stated during the previous meeting. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval and the applicant is aware of the <br />BRT potential in the future. <br />MOTION PASSED 3-2 (Pearson, Bloyer - NAY) <br />ITEM 20: PLACEMENT OF CITY COUNCIL REPORTS <br />Councilmember Lundgren gave her rationale for suggesting the council reports being at the end. She believes it will reduce grandstanding. It was noted that the reports have been in the back at times. Councilmember Fliflet also thinks it will improve council working together. Councilmember Bloyer concerned about having <br />his issues ignored or removed from the agenda. Mayor Pearson is also concerned about preventing council members from voicing concerns. <br />Lundgren asked for commitment to abide by council decorum rules, then the reports can be at the end. <br />