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City Council Special Meeting <br />3800 Laverne Avenue North <br />Tuesday, June 16, 2015 <br />7:00 PM <br /> <br />I. Call to Order - Mayor Pearson <br />Present: pearson, fliflet, bloyer, lundgren <br />Absent: Smith <br />Pearson move B ahead of A 4-0 <br />II. City Administration Transition Plan <br />Pearson explained reason for mtg. <br />A. Appointment of Interim City Administrator <br />pearson contact LMC/Kevin Frazell. Have them suggest some interim admins. 6 mo contract at least and <br />then look for permanent replacement. <br />Council will submit qualifications/qualities. Staff will send to league. <br />Fliflet would like some more input over the league narrowing. <br />The various options and timing were discussed. How the council will narrow the list was discussed. <br />Council consensus is to use an interim. <br />Bill Miller, 9240 55th st, asked what the League was. Bell explained. <br />Barbara Miller, 9240 55th st, asked that the cause for staff departure be addressed prior to replacing just <br />one person. City needs to make sure the next person can be successful. <br /> <br />Bell explained purpose of interim. <br />The duration of the interim period was discussed. <br />Bloyer wants the interim to be in place until after next election. 6 mos to 18 months