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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />AUGUST 11, 2015 <br />I. CALL TO ORDER <br />Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Council Members Julie Fliflet, Anne Smith (6:05 p.m.), Justin Bloyer, and Jill Lundgren. <br />Staff present: Interim Administrator Schroeder, Finance Director Bendel, Community <br />Development Director Klatt and City Clerk Johnson. <br /> II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />Councilmember Bloyer, seconded by Councilmember Lundgren, moved TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION PASSED 4 – 0. <br />III. SUNFISH LAKE PARK NATURE CENTER <br />Mayor Pearson introduced the matter and invited the applicant to speak. Mr. Manzara stated he would prefer to start with the document his attorney prepared, as the document the City Attorney prepared lacks direction for action. Mr. Manzara requested that the Council direct the City <br />Attorney to draft a lease agreement and stated he feels there is no assurance in the proposed City <br />agreement that the Council will continue to move forward on the project. <br />Councilmember Bloyer stated that the Council is committed to this project. Mayor Pearson added that the Council is supportive of the proposal and he is confident it will continue to move forward. <br />Councilmember Bloyer, seconded by Councilmember Lundgren, moved TO ACCEPT THE <br />LETTER OF INTENT DRAFTED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY AND DIRECT THE <br />CITY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH ALL CONDITIONS MET BEFORE THE CITY EXPENDS RESOURCES, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TEN HOURS OF STAFF TIME. <br />Councilmember Fliflet offered a FRIENDLY AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION TO <br />REMOVE THE LIMIT ON STAFF TIME, stating that it is worth spending staff time to make <br />this happen for the City. Councilmember Bloyer accepted the amendment. Motion passed 4 – 1. (Pearson – Nay) <br />Mayor Pearson stated that the Council is committed to this project and felt the Letter of Intent <br />was sufficient and protected the City. <br />IV. CITY PLANNER/ASSOCIATE PLANNER DISCUSSION <br />Interim Administrator Schroeder presented two job descriptions for consideration to fill the vacant City Planner position. Discussion was held concerning the job descriptions, salary range and selection process. Councilmember Bloyer stated that staff should handle the hiring process <br />and the Council should not be involved. <br />