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08-18-2015 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-18-2015 CCM
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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />AUGUST 18, 2015 <br />A. CALL TO ORDER <br />Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Council Members Julie Fliflet, Anne Smith, Justin Bloyer, and Jill Lundgren. <br />Staff present: Interim Administrator Schroeder, City Attorney Snyder, City Engineer Griffin, <br />Finance Director Bendel, Community Development Director Klatt, Building Inspector Chase, <br />Fire Chief Malmquist, Planner Gozola and City Clerk Johnson. <br />B. PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />Councilmember Bloyer moved items 10 and 11 from the Consent Agenda to the Regular <br />Agenda, item 17 from the Regular Agenda to the Consent Agenda, and postponed items 19, 20, 21 and 22 to another meeting. Mayor Pearson moved item 8 from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda. Councilmember Smith moved item 7 from the Consent Agenda to the Regular <br />Agenda. Councilmember Fliflet tabled item 1a. <br />Councilmember Lundgren moved TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. Mayor <br />Pearson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED 5 – 0. <br />D. ACCEPT MINUTES Minutes of the August 4, 2015 Regular Meeting and August 11, 2015 Special Meeting were <br />accepted as presented. <br />COUNCIL REPORTS <br />Mayor Pearson: Attended Parks and Planning Commission meetings, met with County on the Manning Avenue realignment project, scheduled a meeting with the school district to discuss the request for a stoplight, met with MAC to discuss proposed safety improvements, met with a <br />landowner for an easement allowance, attended Gateway Corridor meeting. Gateway Corridor <br />public hearings are scheduled, one in Woodbury and one in Lake Elmo. Asked residents to keep <br />downtown merchants in mind and asked for patience during construction. <br />Councilmember Fliflet: Attended Library Board meeting, met with Commissioner Kriesel concerning Tartan Park, thanked Administrator Schroeder for his assistance with the Library <br />alley issue, attended Special Olympics Equestrian event. <br />Councilmember Smith: Encouraged residents to attend the Lake Elmo Farmer’s Market and <br />commended vendors. Reviewed documents related to the Library alley issue provided by the Administrator and attended meeting to discuss the project, met with a possible senior housing developer. <br />Councilmember Lundgren: attended Huff n’ Puff Days, working on a dog park and may have <br />donors willing to help with the amenities, happy to see everyone using the new water cooler <br />versus plastic bottles, spoke with residents about Tartan Park. Also announced Lake Elmo is one of four cities in the state to receive a Bee Friendly City award September 5th at Lift Bridge Brewery in Stillwater.
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