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CITY OF LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 <br />A. CALL TO ORDER <br />Mayor Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm. <br />PRESENT: Mayor Mike Pearson and Council Members Julie Fliflet, Anne Smith, Justin Bloyer, and Jill Lundgren. <br />Staff present: Interim Administrator Schroeder, City Attorney Snyder, City Engineer Griffin, <br />Finance Director Bendel, Community Development Director Klatt, Public Works Superintendent <br />Bouthilet, and City Clerk Johnson. <br />City Attorney Snyder stated that the City Council met in Executive Session prior to the regular meeting pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13.393, 13.29 and 13.42 to receive non public personnel <br />data and advice from the attorney. <br />B. PLEDGE OF ALLIGENCE <br /> <br />C. APPROVAL OF AGENDA <br />Councilmember Fliflet moved item 7 to the Regular Agenda and postponed 17 and 18 to the next <br />meeting. Councilmember Lundgren removed item 20 from the Regular Agenda. Councilmember <br />Smith moved item 5 to the Regular Agenda. <br />Discussion held concerning the placement and title of agenda items by Councilmembers. <br />Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Fliflet, moved to remove item 17 from the agenda. MOTION PASSED 3 – 2. (Pearson, Bloyer – Nay) <br />Councilmember Fliflet, seconded by Councilmember Smith, moved TO APPROVE THE <br />AGENDA AS AMENDED. MOTION PASSED 5 – 0. <br />D. ACCEPT MINUTES Minutes of the June 9, 2015 Regular Meeting were accepted as amended. Minutes of the August 18, 2015 Regular Meeting were accepted as presented. <br />COUNCIL REPORTS <br />Mayor Pearson: Met with Oakdale Mayor and City Administrator, met with potential <br />developers of a senior center, attended Library alley meeting, attended a meeting with Village and downtown residents. <br />Councilmember Fliflet: Attended Library meeting concerning the alley, will be attending <br />Library Board meeting on Wednesday. Fielded calls on the proposed cemetery, met with <br />developer of a senior center and met with downtown business owners and residents regarding <br />construction plans. <br />Councilmember Smith: Just returned from an eleven day vacation, fielded calls on the Inwood water booster station and met with developers of a downtown senior center. <br />Councilmember Lundgren: Announced the Farmers Market will be ending in two weeks, <br />attended the Public Safety Committee meeting and a workshop on Tartan Park. Spoke with <br />residents concerning Tartan Park and the cemetery proposal. Working on a dog park in the city and reminded council of the pollinator city award.