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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Page 3 of 8 <br /> <br /> <br />guests. Klatt reviewed the location and site plan, noting that an interim use permit does not run <br />with the land. Klatt presented a proposed resolution and a map depicting all properties in the <br />City and identifying six that could potentially qualify for a wedding venue use. <br />Applicant Danielle Hecker presented information on the proposal, noting key concerns voiced by <br />neighbors and offering her response. <br />Mary O’Brien, 11311 50th Street stated opposition to the zoning ordinance change, and <br />questioned the traffic data presented by the applicant. O’Brien also stated concerns about rural <br />character of the City and impacts on water resources. <br />Peter Schifsky, 4676 Larkspur, stated his neighborhood has a wedding barn and voiced concerns <br />over traffic. <br />Bob Fossum, 4996 Linden Trail, spoke in support of the project, stating that it is a great way to <br />preserve an historic structure. <br />Amy Vanderhoff, 11384 50th Street, spoke in favor of the project, stating she enjoys her view of the house and barn and is happy it will be preserved. <br />Councilmember Bloyer, seconded by Mayor Pearson, moved TO ADOPT ORDINACE 08-121, <br />AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW COMMERCIAL WEDDING <br />CEREMONY VENUES AS AN INTERIM USE PERMIT WITHIN THE CITY’S RURAL <br />RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS AND TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF GUESTS FROM 150 TO 200. MOTION PASSED 3 – 2. (Fliflet, Lundgren – Nay) <br />Councilmember Bloyer, seconded by Mayor Pearson, moved TO ADPOPT RESOLUTION <br />2015-45, AUTHORIZING SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE 2015-121. <br />MOTION FAILED 3 – 2. (Fliflet, Lundgren – Nay) <br />ITEM 5: 39TH STREET N. STREET & SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS – <br />APPROVE TREE REPLACEMENT PROPOSAL Councilmember Smith stated that the replacement trees should be changed from 2.5” trees to 4” <br />trees specified in other areas of the City. <br />Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Bloyer, moved TO APPROVE TREE <br />REPLACEMENT PROPOSAL WITH AN UPGRADE TO 4” TREES, SUBJECT TO CITY <br />ADMINISTRATOR APPROVAL OF THE ADDITIONAL COST. MOTION PASSED 5 – 0 <br />ITEM 7: APPROVE TREE PLANTING ON HILL TRAIL <br />Interim Administrator Schroeder reported that Mayor Pearson and Councilmember Bloyer <br />visited a property on Hill Trail as a result of numerous resident complaints. Staff is <br />recommending planting pine trees in the right of way to screen the view of a vehicle used for <br />storage. Definition of “operational vehicle” was discussed. Councilmember Fliflet stated that <br />the storage vehicle should be addressed and neighbors are concerned that the trees won’t provide