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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> OCTOBER 6, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br />Page 2 of 7 <br /> <br />Councilmember Lundgren: Discussed the cemetery proposal, dog park proposal and other <br />issues with residents, walked through the Arts Center and agrees it needs work; and attended the <br />quarterly Fire Relief meeting. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS/INQUIRIES <br />None <br />PRESENTATIONS <br />None <br />FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA <br />2. Approve Payment of Disbursements <br />3. 2015 Stormwater Assessments 4. 39th St. N. Street & Sanitary Sewer Improvements – Pay Request No. 7 Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Lundgren, moved TO APPROVE THE <br />FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br /> OTHER CONSENT AGENDA 5. Administrative Position Request 6. Approve Animal Humane Society 2016 Letter of Understanding for Impound Services <br />7. Approve Building Inspector Hiring Recommendation <br /> Councilmember Lundgren, seconded by Mayor Pearson, moved TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION PASSED 5-0. <br />ITEM 10: KLEIS MINOR SUBDIVISION: <br />Community Development Director Klatt presented the planning report on the request to divide a 54.29 acre parcel into three lots. Klatt reviewed the layout of the new lots, noting that the layout was designed to preserve the original farmstead and farm operations while creating two ten acre <br />lots that can be sold. Klatt also reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation for <br />approval with four conditions. <br /> Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Lundgren, moved TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2015-79 WITH AN ADDED CONDITION THAT THE ASSESSMENTS BE PAID OFF. MOTION PASSED 5 – 0. <br /> <br />ITEM 11: PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT – HALCYON CEMETERY Community Development Director Klatt presented a summary of the request previously <br />reviewed by the Council to plat a cemetery at 11050 50th Street North with changes and new <br />information. Site plan was reviewed, noting parking, existing structures and proposed future <br />structures and burial sites. Klatt also reviewed a summary of questions and concerns from the <br />neighboring property owners. Klatt provided a review of the zoning code update in 2013 that added cemeteries as an allowed <br />use, noting the distinction between a church and cemetery and that funeral homes are not <br />permitted. Klatt identified four options for Council action with two alternatives for further <br />discussion, one option for approval and one option for denial.