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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> DECEMBER 1, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br />Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br />Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Fliflet, moved TO APPROVE RESOLUTON 2015-84 ADOPTING THE FINAL 2016 GENERAL FUND, DEBT SERVICE <br />FUND AND LIBRARY FUND ANNUAL BUDGETS AND LEVIES. Motion passed 3 – 2 <br />(Pearson, Bloyer – nay). <br /> Mayor Pearson stated it is a good budget and he appreciates the Finance Committee work on it. <br /> <br />ITEM 10: Developer Line of Credit Reduction Discussion <br /> Interim Administrator Schroeder introduced the item and reviewed the request from Robert Engstrom Company for a reduction in the Letter of Credit for the Wildflower development. <br />Schroeder explained the risk to City in allowing partial decreases and suggested that staff be <br />directed to propose changes to development agreements to allow for reductions in letters of <br />credit. City Engineer Griffin reviewed steps in the Letter of Credit reduction policy currently in place, noting that he is in favor of minor revisions, particularly in the street utility area. <br />Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Fliflet, moved TO DIRECT STAFF TO <br />PROPOSE CHANGES TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS THAT WOULD ALLOW <br />DECREASES IN LETTERS OF CREDIT. Motion passed 4 – 1 (Bloyer – nay). <br /> Councilmember Bloyer stated he would not support the motion as it would lower the leverage <br />the City has with developers. <br /> <br />ITEM 11: Tana Ridge Park Sign Interim Administrator Schroeder reviewed the placement of a park sign in Tana Ridge, noting <br />the size and location of the sign and presented a suggested from the Public Works staff to reduce <br />the height of the sign. <br /> Darcy Hilgendorf, 11644 44th Street North, commented on the size of the sign and stated she would like the Parks Commission to evaluate if this size park needs a sign like this. Ms. <br />Hilgendorf stated that if a sign is required, she would like input on the size, design and location <br />of the sign in Tana Ridge Park. <br /> David Jack, 11657 44th Street North, asked if a sign is needed in a low use park such as this and requested it be moved closer to the ball parks. <br /> <br />Mayor Pearson stated he spoke with a resident in the past two weeks about this issue and the <br />Parks Commission has discussed it. Pearson added that he appreciates the work the Commission puts into these projects. Councilmember Bloyer indicated he agreed with Mayor Pearson. <br />Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Fliflet, moved TO DIRECT PUBLIC <br />WORKS TO REMOVE THE TANA RIDGE SIGN AND DIRECT THE PARKS <br />COMMISSION TO REVIEW PLACEMENT AND SIZE OF ALL SIGNS IN ALL PARKS. <br />Motion passed 3 – 1 – 1 (Pearson – nay, Bloyer – abstain).