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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> FEBRUARY 16, 2016 <br /> <br /> <br />Page 2 of 6 <br /> <br /> <br />ITEM 11: Appoint Parks & Planning Commissioners <br />Councilmember Lundgren, seconded by Mayor Pearson, moved TO APPOINT JEAN <br />OLINGER TO THE PARKS COMMISSION. Motion failed 2 – 3. (Fliflet, Lundgren, Smith <br />– nay) <br />Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Fliflet, moved TO APPOINT ELLEN <br />NEUENFELD TO THE PARKS COMMISSION. Motion passed 5 – 0. <br />Councilmember Fliflet moved to appoint Kristina Lundquist to the Planning Commission. <br />Motion passed 5 – 0. <br />ITEM 12: Commercial Wedding Ceremony Venue <br /> <br />Planning Director Wensman presented the request for approval of an Ordinance Amendment and <br />an Interim Use Permit to allow operation of a commercial wedding ceremony venue at 11658 <br />50th Street North. Wensman noted public hearing requirements and stated the hearing was <br />noticed as required. Planning Commission comments and recommended conditions of approval <br />were presented and discussed. Applicant Danielle Hecker reviewed research conducted and <br />work she has put into bringing the project to this point. Ms. Hecker also addressed requested <br />text amendments concerning owner present during events, number of events per week, parking, <br />traffic and noise. <br />Paul Nielsen, 4819 Lily Ave. N., commented on traffic that will be generated by the wedding <br />venue. <br />Alana Hardt, 3309 Lampert Ave. N., stated her full support for the wedding venue and values <br />living in an area with local businesses. <br />Chip Longacre, 55th St. N., spoke in support of the proposal and stated he holds weddings and <br />other events at his property and has had no problems. <br />Jeffrey Saffle, 11180 50th St. N., stated that noise could be an issue and approval could create a <br />precedent for commercial use in residential areas. <br />Pamela Chickett, 5711 Linden Ave. N., stated a concern for Sanctuary residents and asked that <br />Mr. Landucci’s proposal should be looked at in conjunction with the wedding venue. <br />James Tenpas, 11330 50th St. N., stated concerns about noise and changing the ordinance for one <br />person. <br />Janet Thompson, 11491 50th expressed concern about increased traffic and noise. <br />Rebecca Tenpas, 11330 50th St. N., objected to the ten year term of the Interim Use Permit and <br />allowing a zoning text amendment that only benefits one person. <br />Jean Madrinich, 11240 50th St. N., stated concerns about alcohol consumption and noise.