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APPROVED MARCH 20, 2012 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 20, 2012 <br /> <br /> Affirm the Hiring of the City Clerk – Sandie Thone <br /> <br />Council Member Smith commended the City Engineer for his work in assembling an effective consultant pool <br />and was glad to see a local consultant on the list. <br /> <br />City Administrator Zuleger provided a brief summary of the qualifications of the new City Clerk, Sandie Thone. <br />He noted her seven years as the Clerk of Mendota Heights, MN. Prior to that, she h ad a career in quality <br />management and process improvement. He noted she will be an excellent addition to the management team <br />and will focus on taxpayer service and organizational improvement. <br /> <br />REGULAR AGENDA: <br /> <br />DPW MULTI-USE 2012 PICK-UP PURCHASE (PER MAC) – DPW Director Mike Bouthilet presented the <br />findings and recommendation about the purchase of a heavy duty pick -up. Bouthilet explained that the Ford <br />250 was chosen via the state contract because of its pulling capability and price. Bouthilet noted that by adding <br />the $600 spring package the F-250 actually becomes an F-350 for about $10,000 less in price. Smith / <br />Pearson noted a price disparity in the MAC minutes from the base price of the truck and the total price with the <br />plow package and lighting system. The MAC minutes will be corrected to reflect the total price of $33,735 <br />which included additional safety lights recommended by the MAC members by phone poll. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to approve the purchase of the 2012 F-250 off the MN State Contract <br />with MAC proposed accessories, including the additional warning lights, for $33,735.30 and to put the 1985 <br />Dodge up for auction. Council Member Pearson seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. <br /> <br />OLSON LAKE TRAIL SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION – JOINT SEWER PROJECT WITH THE CITY OF <br />OAKDALE – City Engineer Griffin introduced the City of Oakdale Olson Lake Trail sewer extension project. At <br />the last Washington County Transportation meeting the Director of Public Works for Oakdale inquired as to <br />Lake Elmo’s interest to extend sewer service to at least (2) properties that would be in proximity to the Oakdale <br />project. Griffin explained the Oakdale project in detail and noted the (15) Lake Elmo properties that could <br />benefit from a sewer extension service. Griffin provided a historical perspective on a petition spearheaded by <br />Lake Elmo resident Roger Johnson that would have requested hook-up to the Oakdale sewer system on the <br />DeMontreville peninsula. While Griffin noted that he and his staff had not had time to examine the private <br />system efficacy of those affected, he did note that they were able to contact 9 out of the 15 properties along <br />the extension route and 6 expressed interest in the service and 3 were not interested . Efforts are being made <br />to contact the remaining six property owners. <br /> <br />A dialogue occurred between Council Members and the City Engineer on next steps or expressed interest to <br />have Oakdale extend the project to Lake Elmo residents. City Engineer Griffin noted that the next step would <br />be a feasibility study at an approximate cost of $15,000 that would be shared between Oakdale and Lake <br />Elmo. Griffin also stated that Oakdale and Lake Elmo were waiting to hear from Washington County on what <br />their plans might be for maintenance on County Highway 13. Council Member Smith said she saw a benefit in <br />pursuing the project but needed more information on the County’s commitment to work on CTH 13 and a more <br />complete response from affected residents. Griffin responded that if the County does not do the CTH work that <br />Oakdale believes there is enough room to place the pipe in the ditch. Council Member Pearson asked how <br />quick Oakdale needed an answer. Griffin responded that Oakdale would like the project to commence in 2013. <br />The Council also explored the idea of extending the pipe beyond the initial 15 properties affected. Council <br />Member Smith re-iterated the need for more information from Washington County and the residents. <br />Council Member Park said she would like to see an extension to the two-year hook-up for residents who just <br />made an investment in new septic systems. Attorney Snyder cited several different deferment agreements that <br />could be used to accomplish the extension. Council Member Pearson concluded that the project has <br />practical merit, but would like to see more support from the residents involved. Griffin will continue to <br />acquire information. <br />