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04-03-2012 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-03-2012 CCM
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APPROVED AS AMENDED APRIL 17, 2012 <br />and one alignment along the west ditch. County participation would continue to be pursued as part of the <br />Report. <br />Council discussed the Feasibility Study and the costs and asked questions about future sewer extensions <br />beyond the scope of this initial sewer extension, including policy issues related to properties connecting to <br />Oakdale sewer. Council Member Smith asked about a fairness equity policy, assessment to all regardless of a <br />hook-up or not, and a compliance deferment option for residents. Mayor Johnston and Engineer Griffin were <br />advocates for the infrastructure to be in place, and the Feasibility Study is the opportunity to get the facts and <br />address the resident's concerns. Council Member Smith asked if the costs could be offset if the <br />infrastructure was in place. Council Member Pearson agreed that a Feasibility Study was needed as <br />there were too many unknowns. <br />Tony Haider, 4575 Olson Trail, spoke in favor of the sewer system. <br />MOTION: Mayor Johnston moved to authorize an approximate $4,000.00 expenditure for a Feasibility Study <br />for a joint sanitary sewer extension project with the City of Oakdale with the costs to be assessed back to <br />property owners if the project goes ahead; and requested the City Engineer to further review additional <br />potential service areas from 50th Street to 4415 Olson Lake Road. Council Member Park seconded the <br />motion. The motion passed 4-0. <br />LOT AREA (SIZE) AND WIDTH VARIANCE — 5577 LAKE ELMO AVENUE <br />Planning Director Klatt updated the Council about the variance request to subdivide the 5.11 acre lot into two <br />new smaller lots. The property is currently zoned Rural Residential which requires a minimum of 10 acres. The <br />Planning Commission supported the draft findings to deny the request based on the following: The proposed <br />lot split is not a reasonable use of property and does not represent practical difficulties for the applicant, any <br />practical difficulties that exist were created by the landowner, and the proposed variances would take an <br />existing non -conforming lot and create two non -conforming lots. <br />Council Members and Planning Director Klatt discussed the potential for consolidation of driveways that could <br />address access and safety concerns; however, Klatt noted that existing easements would likely not allow for <br />additional private or public access. Mayor Johnston discussed that the plan allowed for two acres per house <br />and that the proposed variance would be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Council Member <br />Smith asked about the City's water infrastructure and the Open Space Developments that will support it in the <br />future. <br />James Delaplain 16230 4`h Ave. N., Plymouth, attorney representing applicant, questioned the "practical <br />difficulties" and noted that they were not applicable as stated in the Findings of Fact. The lot split would be a <br />reasonable use of the property, but the applicant would need to request driveway approval from the Council. <br />Steven Weber, 5577 Lake Elmo Ave., commented that it had been his parent's intent to split the lot and <br />preserve the rural characteristics of the area. <br />Eileen Bergmann, 5500 Lake Elmo Ave., reviewed the history of the property stating she and husband sold the <br />property to the applicant's father, Ron Weber, in 1975. At that time, the City's zoning code required a minimum <br />of five acres. She expressed concern about the City setting precedent for other rural property owners. <br />iKE O CITY COUNCIL MINUTES , P ,. 2012 <br />
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