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Consider Resolution No. 2011. -006 re: Washington County Participation in CTIB <br />The City Council was requested to consider Resolution No. 2011-006, supporting <br />Washington County's continued participationn in the Counties Transportation <br />Improvement Board (CTIB), as requested by the Gateway Corridor Commission. The <br />City Council supported. continued CTIB participation of collecting a quarter -percent sales <br />tax for transit projects in Washington County. <br />MOTION. Council Member Pearson moved to approve Resolution No. 2011-006 <br />expressing support for Washington County's continued participation in the Counties <br />Transportation Improvement Board (CTIB). Council Member Park seconded the motion. <br />The motion passed 5-0. <br />The Council adjourned the meeting at 10:40 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, City Clerk <br />Resolution No. 2011-006 support for Washington County's continued participation in the <br />Counties Transportation Improvement Board (CTIB) <br />Resolution No. 2011-07A requiring the school district own the property at their proposed <br />location and the related Joint Powers Agreement <br />