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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 19, 2011 3 <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved to approve the Agreement for the Transfer of <br />County Road 13B (DeMontreville Trail) to the City and request the County pursue, as an <br />added safety factor, rumble strips. Mayor Johnston seconded the motion. The motion <br />passed 5-0. <br /> <br />Consider Approving Resolution 2011-017, Authorizing the Mayor, City Administrator <br />and to Execute Contract No. 98460; an Agreement with MnDot for the Community <br />Roadside Landscaping Partnership Program <br /> <br />The City Council was asked to approve Resolution 2011-017 authorizing the Mayor and <br />City Administrator to execute Contract No. 98460; an agreement with MnDOT for the <br />reimbursement of up to $14,955 in landscaping materials for a proposed Highway 5 <br />beautification project. This resolution is required by MnDOT to officially enter into the <br />agreement and for the City to receive the reimbursement money after the project is <br />complete. <br /> <br />The proposed project is located in two different areas of the City. The first location, with <br />a planting date of Saturday, May 21st, is located on the north side of Highway 5 near the <br />entrance to Wildflower Shores and west of the new roundabout. The second planting, <br />with a date of Saturday, June 4th, is located on the south side of Highway 5 and just west <br />of the Highway 5 and Manning Avenue intersection with a small continuation near the <br />Fields of St. Croix 2nd Addition entrance on the north side of the road. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to approve Resolution No. 2011-017, <br />authorizing the Mayor, City Administrator and to execute Contract No. 98460; an <br />agreement with MnDOT for the Community Roadside Landscaping Partnership <br />Program. Council Member Emmons seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. <br /> <br />Authorization to Purchase Landscape Material for MnDOT Landscape Partnership <br />Program Planting <br /> <br />The City Council was asked to authorize the purchase of landscape material for the <br />MnDOT Landscape Partnership Program planting project. Pricing for material meeting <br />MnDOT specifications were received from three companies: Abrahamson Nursery, <br />Bachman Wholesale and Grove Nursery. <br /> <br />Staff recommended accepting the proposal by Abrahamson Nursery with the warranty. <br />Abrahamson Nursery had a competitive and complete prices provided and it was the only <br />complete submission based on the materials as identified in the project. If the warranty is <br />also secured, the pricing still falls well below the $14,955 limit identified in the grant <br />agreement for this project. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to direct staff to purchase material from <br />Abrahamson Nursery with a two year warranty for the MnDOT Landscaping Projects <br />this spring. Council Member Emmons seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. <br />