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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 9, 2011 4 <br />David Carlson, 8554 Hidden Bay Trail N., stated the 929.34 ft. OHWM is overly <br />restricting. He has seen minimal damage of lakeshore and recommended following DNR <br />regulations of installing rip rock at the lakeshore to prevent erosion. Mr. Carlson also <br />requested the elimination of regulation, “No person shall operate any motorboat at a <br />speed other than slow, no wake speed between sunset and noon the following day……” <br /> <br /> <br />Jim Dillon, 8190 Hill Trail N., lives on the DeMontreville /Lake Olson channel, <br />appreciated the Council taking action as quick as they did to prevent possible erosion on <br />his property. He said the OHWM is set by the DNR and people ignore the No Wake <br />buoys. <br /> <br />Justin Bloyer, 8881 Jane Road N. provided a petition representing 77 percent of the Lake <br />Jane property owners requesting Lake Jane be exempted from the “No Wake” provision. <br />In his opinion the restrictions reduce their market values. <br /> <br />Gary Kimlinger, 9461 Jane Road N., stated he would be against lowering the OHWM on <br />Lake Jane to 920 ft. <br /> <br />Jerry Heroff, 9477 Jane Road N., requested consideration of elimination of regulation, <br />“Hours of operation: No Wake speed between Sunset and Noon the following day”. <br /> <br />The DNR approval of Ordinance 08-050 is valid through October 31, 2011. The City <br />will work with Kim Elverum, MN DNR water safety coordinator, on review and approval <br />of a permanent ordinance that would comply with the surface use statutes and rules. <br />Residents will be notified when this item will be on a Council agenda. <br /> <br />Consider Ordinance No. 08-052 – No Parking at Carriage Station Park <br /> <br />The City Council was requested to consider Ordinance No. 08-052 regarding the <br />proposed posting of “No Parking” signs at the access to Carriage Station Park. It has been <br />reported that cars are parking on Marquess Avenue, blocking the asphalt trail going into <br />the Park. <br /> <br />The Public Works Department will post two “No Parking” signs 45 feet apart, at the <br />entrance to the Carriage Station Park. Posting “No Parking” signs at the trail access to <br />the park is a legitimate, warranted request which would allow bikers and pedestrians safe <br />passage into the park. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Pearson moved to approve Ordinance No. 08-052 directing <br />that NO PARKING BETWEEN SIGNS be posted with a 45 foot interval at the asphalt <br />trail leading into Carriage Station Park from Marquess Trail N. and that such be added <br />to the City’s official no parking zones. Council Member Smith seconded the motion. The <br />motion passed 4-0. <br /> <br />