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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES October 18, 2011 3 <br />Lake Jane <br /> <br />Petition stating opposition to changing the no-wake rule on Lake Jane for the following <br />reasons: <br /> Lake is small and doesn’t support both wake and no-wake activities at the same <br />time <br /> To believe property values are less because you can’t water ski until noon is <br />ridiculous There are people that have purchased houses on Lake Jane because of <br />the no-wake rule <br /> Shoreline erosion is a concern <br /> Like the rule as is. Changing it will make it easier for future changes that upset <br />neighbors <br /> By limiting the hours it forces people who live on the lake to compete with each <br />other and outside users during a narrow time frame for activity. <br /> <br />Bill Stevenson, 8895 Jane Road N, appreciated the opportunity to watch wildlife in the <br />mornings and soak in the serene setting. New residents are in favor of lifting the <br />restriction and changing the time to 9 am instead of noon where many long time residents <br />prefer no change. <br /> <br />Betsy McDonough, 4711 Birchbark Trail N., watches nesting loons and believes rules are <br />a good compromise, but want to see rules enforced. <br /> <br />Marilyn Kennedy, 9051 Jane Road N., likes the rules “as is”. The lake is small and <br />erosion is a concern. <br /> <br />Bob Gould, 8802 Lake Jane Trail, Lake Jane is a multiple use lake, at times the water <br />sports conflict. <br /> <br />John Hamerly, 9429 Jane Road N., would like the Council to be aware of the majority <br />vote of the landowners on Lake Jane to change this arbitrary rule to better align with <br />reasonable lake and land use. <br /> <br />Justin and Dana Bloyer, 8881 Jane Road N., easing the restrictions would make Lake <br />Jane more appealing to young home buyers; growing the City and expanding the tax <br />base. Large portion of the names on the petition to maintain the restrictions came from <br />multiple owners of the common lot. <br /> <br />Council Member Emmons suggested a trial period with a check-in point. <br /> <br />Mayor Johnston didn’t like excluding people that don’t live on the lake. He liked this rule <br />when he moved in 28 years ago. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved to change the regulations from sunset to 9 a.m. <br />on Lake Jane. Council Member Pearson seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-2 <br />(Johnston and Emmons voting against.)