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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 2010 3 <br />the Planning Commission will be reviewing in the next several months, and to help keep <br />the Commission informed about the internal planning related activities and projects that <br />will be undertaken by the staff over the coming year. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved to accept the 2010 Planning Commission Work <br />Plan handout as revised, including economic development initiatives, submitted at the <br />meeting. Council Member DeLapp seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. <br /> <br />Consider amendments to the Accessory Buildings Section of the zoning ordinance <br /> <br />Bruce Messelt, City Administrator, reported the City Council was asked to consider <br />amendments to the accessory building provisions of the zoning ordinance. These <br />changes represent minor modifications to specific sections of the ordinance and have <br />been proposed: 1) to improve the consistency between various sections of the current <br />code and 2) to clarify the intent and interpretation of various sections of the code dealing <br />with accessory uses. <br /> <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder reported that an Interim Use permit is possible for identified <br />structures or components of a structure and provides additional flexibility limited in time. <br /> <br />Council Member Smith stated the Public Hearing for accessory structures was held on <br />July 14, 2008 and only now this item is coming to the Council. Smith said she had <br />concerns and questions on inconsistencies with limiting the number of Ag buildings on <br />larger parcels in Rural Residential and in Agricultural zonings. <br /> <br />Joan Ziertman, 5761 Keats Avenue N., stated, in her opinion, that an Interim Use Permit <br />is a difficult proposition because of the cost involved for only 1-2 years and the permit <br />could not be renewed by the Council. Since the public hearing was held in 2008, there <br />are planning commission members that were not on the Commission at that time and <br />should be invited to attend the workshop. A previous planner defined accessory <br />structures as a building with a roof regardless of size. Small bus shelters, play structures, <br />should be excluded as an accessory structure. Joan provided code on accessory structures <br />from surrounding communities and these communities showed aggregate sq.ft. for Ag <br />buildings to accommodate animals. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member DeLapp moved to continue discussion on this agenda item <br />at a workshop with the idea of incorporating Interim Use Permit concept and Sections 4, <br />5, and 6 and direct staff to prepare an ordinance, including input from the Planning <br />Commission, with the capability for clarification of inconsistencies. Mayor Johnston <br />seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. <br /> <br />Consideration of CodeRED Emergency Notification System <br /> <br />Bruce Messelt. City Administrator reported the City Council is being requested to further <br />consider potential purchase and utilization of an emergency and time-sensitive official <br />community communication and notification system. The Council had received an on-line <br />and telephone demonstration of the CodeRED Emergency Notification System. The <br />Council reviewed the proposal based on population from CodeRED. The City would seek <br />to include at no additional cost summer 2010 testing of the Weather Warning System and