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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 18, 2010 3 <br />Conditional Use Amendment for Lake Elmo Elementary School; Resolution No. 2010- <br />023 <br /> <br />The City Council is being asked to review and act upon a proposed Conditional Use <br />Permit amendment requested by Lake Elmo Elementary School. The proposed <br />improvements include relocation of an existing parking lot, an additional parking lot and <br />parent drop off location, widening of an existing private road, and he addition of an <br />enclosed hallway and two portable classrooms to handle the existing student population <br /> <br />The Council acknowledged the email from Jennifer Pelletier, Lake Elmo resident and <br />parent of three children at Lake Elmo Elementary School, thanking the Stillwater Area <br />schools reps, and City staff for recognizing the carpool problems at the school and <br />following through with a plan. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to approve Resolution No. 2010-023 Amending <br />the Conditional Use permit for the Lake Elmo Elementary School to add two portable <br />classrooms, an enclosed hallway, an additional parking lot, and reconfiguration and <br />expansion of the existing Northern parking lot, as reflected in the specific findings and <br />recommendations of the Planning Commission. Council Member Park seconded the <br />motion. The motion passed 5-0. <br /> <br />Eder’s Century Pines Developer’s – Agreement <br /> <br />The City Council is being asked to review and approve a developer’s agreement related <br />to the recently approved Eder’s Century Pines Subdivision. The primary purposed of this <br />agreement is to document for future owners that no building permits will be issued for the <br />vacant lots within the subdivision until storm water, drainage and erosion control plan is <br />approved for the site. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to enter into an agreement, as amended to <br />include stormwater easements, with the City that requires the submission of rate and <br />volume control calculations meeting the Storm Water and Erosion and Sediment Control <br />Ordinance for each buildable lot prior to the issuance of a building permit for each of <br />these lots. This agreement shall be executed prior to the release of the plat for recording <br />by the City. Council Member DeLapp seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. <br /> <br />Eder’s Century Pines Roadway Easement Vacation – Public Hearing, Resolution No. <br />2010-025 <br /> <br />The City Council is being asked to convene a Public Hearing to review and approve the <br />vacation of roadway easements within the area to be replanted as Eder’s Century Pines. <br />The proposed vacation has been requested to eliminate existing roadway easements that <br />have previously been granted to the City in the same location as road right -of-way that <br />will be dedicated within this subdivision. These easements are located over a portion of <br />the roads known as Keats Avenue, 47th Street North, and Julep Avenue North. <br />