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• Approve Resolution no. 2008-004 payment of claims in the amount of <br />$613,890.59 <br />• Approve a salary adjustment of 2.9% to reflect cost of living for Firefighters <br />• Approve a right-of-way access agreement for septic access to a new home <br /> Lot 11, Block 1 Ruth’s First Addition <br />• Approve legally negotiated settlement with Diversified Contracting Specialist, <br />Inc., d/b/a Gen-Con Construction and LMCIT for release of the retainage in the <br />amount of $9498.89 pending receipt of all the lien waivers and subject to <br />maintenance of contractual warranties. <br />• Annex Installation Cost Revision of expenditures in the amount of $6,000 for <br />items related to utility extensions, site preparation, ADA ramp, furniture and <br />miscellaneous costs related to the city hall annex (in addition to the $11,000) to <br />come from the 2004A capital improvement bond issue for public facilities. <br />• Accept contribution of the gear washer/extractor from the city of Oakdale Fire <br />Department for Station #2 and direct the fire chief to thank the city of Oakdale <br />for its contribution on behalf of the City Council. <br />• Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights Watermain Extension Project <br />a. Approve Change Order No. 8 thereby increasing this contract in the <br />amount of $9,043.45 to the revised contract amount of $3,293,869.34 <br />b. (1) Approve Compensating Change Order No. 9 thereby increasing the <br />contract in the amount of $590,905.78 to the final contract amount of <br />$3,884,775.12 <br /> (2) Approve Payment Certificate No. 9 (Final) in the amount of <br /> $316,075.51 to be paid from the Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights <br /> Project Fund <br />c. Approval of Resolution no. 2008-005 accepting work <br />• Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo Heights Well Sealing Project <br />a. (1) Approve Change Order No. 2 for Contract A thereby increasing <br />this contract in the amount of $1,900.00 to the revised contract amount <br />of $175,190.00 <br />(2) Approve Change Order No. 2 for Contract B thereby increasing <br />this contract in the amount of $3,456.50 to the revised contract amount <br />of $172,161.50 <br /> b. (1) Approve Contract A Compensating Change Order No. 3 thereby <br /> decreasing the contract amount by $73,315.02 to the final contract <br /> amount of $101,874.98 & Payment Certificate No. 7 (Final) in the <br /> amount of $18,721.57 to be paid from the Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo <br /> Heights Project Fund. <br /> (2) Approve Contract B Compensating Change Order No. 3 thereby <br /> decreasing the contract amount by $84,544.97 to the final contract <br /> amount of $87,616.80 & Payment Certificate No. 7 (Final) in the <br /> amount of $12,699.28 to be paid from the Tablyn Park/Lake Elmo <br /> Heights Project Fund <br />c. Approve Resolution no. 2008-006 final acceptance of Projects A <br /> and B, dated January 15, 2008 <br /> Approve Resolution 2008-008 approving an agreement with MnDOT for a <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 22, 2008 2