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Consider an Interim Use Permit (IUP) application from Common Ground Church to <br />permit the keeping of Horses, Resolution No. 2008-012 <br /> <br />Planner Kelli Matzek summarized a request from Common Ground Church, 10240 <br />Stillwater Blvd. N., to allow the keeping of two horses as an interim use in the Public <br />Facilities zone.. The Planning Commission after a public hearing recommended approval <br />of the requested Interim Use Permit. The IUP must comply with conditions and is subject <br />to renewal two years from the date of application. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved to approve Resolution No. 2008-012, A <br />Resolution allowing the keeping of horses with an Interim Use Permit at 10240 Stillwater <br />Blvd. N. with conditions. Mayor Johnston seconded the motion. The motion passed <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />Consider approval of the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Park Plan <br /> <br />Planner Kelli Matzek summarized the process for the Park Commission’s review of the <br />Park Plan. She explained that both the Park Commission and the Planning Commission, <br />following a public hearing, unanimously approved the park plan. Park Planners, Rich <br />Gray and Berry Farrington, from TKDA presented a summary of the Comprehensive <br />Park for the City Council. The planners explained that the Comprehensive Park Plan can <br />be used to review future location, dedication and development of parks in the future as <br />the city grows. <br /> <br />The City Council discussed the plan. The City Council asked that the staff review and <br />make the following revisions to the park plan: <br /> <br /> 1) reference the Lake Elmo Regional Park Reserve in the plan, 2) remove the ballfields <br />that show up as located on the public works building site, 3) note that ball fields can be <br />located throughout the city rather than all together in the text, 4) change the name of the <br />Lake Elmo Art Center park area to park area that is an addition to Lions Park and 5) <br />review and incorporate materials submitted by Councilmember DeLapp as to park size <br />and inconsistencies in the plan. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Johnson moved to review Council member DeLapp’s <br />comments for accuracy and to have the staff make the recommended changes to the <br />Comprehensive Park Plan and to return to the city council for approval of the document. <br />Mayor Johnston seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Review the Planning Commission 2008 Work Plan <br /> <br />Planning Director Kyle Klatt reported that the Planning Commission had reviewed and <br />approved a 2008 work plan and the Commission was requesting the City Council to <br />comment on it. <br /> <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 19, 2008 3