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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 3, 2008 2 <br /> <br /> <br />Susan Dunn, 11018 N. 33rd St., N., asked how this differs from the Valley Branch <br />Watershed. Mr. Stempski explained the SWPP addresses City items specific and the <br />watershed does a holistic review, but each entity has its own permit. The city engineers <br />will be at the Washington County Fair in August with a public education and outreach <br />program. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Johnson moved to accept the Municipal Separate Storm <br />Sewer (MS4) Annual Report for 2007 and to authorize staff to submit this report to the <br />MPCA by June 30, 2008. Council Member Park seconded the motion. The motion <br />passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Financial information including actions related to: adjustments and changes in fund <br />designations and transactions, proposed 2008 budget amendments and 2008 financial <br />management and 2009 budget preparation. <br /> <br />City Administrator Hoyt summarized the purpose of the presentation. It was to fully <br />understand the City’s current financial accounting and status of each account at 2007 year <br />end and to take action to bring the City’s finance records into compliance with accepted <br />government accounting practices and to comply with the 2007 audit report. <br /> <br />Joe Rigdon, CPA, Government Finance Expert, from Kern, DeWenter & Viere, Ltds. <br />(KDV) explained how City finances are organized and provided a written report detailing <br />2007 funds and 2008 budget amendments. <br /> <br />Todd Williams, 3025 Lake Elmo Avenue N., objected to the $1 million transfer to pay for <br />planning and development costs in the Village because if there is no building in the <br />village area, there will be no funds to pay off the loan. <br /> <br />Joe Rigdon explained the transfer to the village fund was simply acknowledging that <br />money has already been spent and must be accounted for. <br /> <br />Susan Dunn, 11018 Upper 33rd St. N., said this budget is a very important document for <br />use by the city council. She questioned how much time the council had to review the <br />document since the Council just received the information at the meeting. <br /> <br />Ann Bucheck, 2301 Legion Avenue N., added her concern that the City is making a loan <br />to a development fund for an area that may never have development. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Johnson moved to approve actions items 1-5 as presented. <br />Council Member Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br /> <br />1. Authorize the following fund transfers, effective December 31, 2007: <br />- General Fund transfer of $156,000 to the Infrastructure Reserve capital projects fund for <br />future sealcoating (within 2007 General Fund budget)