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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 17, 2008 2 <br /> <br />The City Council appointed Mike Pearson, 2805 Lisbon Avenue North to the Second <br />Alternate position on the Planning Commission. Mr. Bidon’s application will be kept on <br />file. <br /> <br />Authorize hiring Design Forum to prepare conceptual schematic designs of park shelters <br /> <br />Carol Krieger, Project Assistant, asked the City Council to authorize the hiring of Jerry <br />Mazzara of Design Forum to do some conceptual schematic designs of park shelters. The <br />fee for these initial concepts will be $1,200.00. The purpose of this request was <br />generated by the Park Commission’s opportunity to receive a $7,000 grant from Lowes <br />for materials to build a park shelter as well as the Commission’s interest in developing <br />some park design symbols that provide the consistency and design elements reflective of <br />Lake Elmo. If approved, the park fund will cover the costs of this out of its capital fund <br />balance. <br /> <br />Council Member DeLapp voiced his concern that the plan for a park shelter would <br />mushroom to a much larger project with a cost of $40,000. <br /> <br />MOTION: Mayor Johnston moved to authorize the hiring of Design Forum Architect <br />Jerry Mazzara to do conceptual schematic designs of park shelters with patterns and <br />themes for consideration in future architectural park elements for up to $1,200 from the <br />Park Dedication fund. Council member Park seconded the motion. Mayor Johnston and <br />Council Members Park and Smith voted in favor of the motion and Council Member <br />DeLapp voted against the motion. <br /> <br />Receive comments from the park commission on the possible lift station locations in Reid <br />Park for the I-94 to 30th Street Infrastructure Project and select a preferred lift station site. <br /> <br />City Engineer Jack Griffin asked the City Council to select a preferred lift station location <br />for the project, among three sites which would allow the design work on the project to be <br />finalized. The Council received the park commission’s comments on the possible lift <br />station locations and the commission’s comments preferring the location to be outside of <br />Reid Park and at Site No. 3. Site No. 3 is a city-owned parcel adjacent to the southeast <br />corner of Reid Park. <br /> <br />Council Member DeLapp thought the owner of the townhouses should be part of this <br />process from the beginning of the lift station location discussion because site 3 requires <br />an easement over this property. <br /> <br />MOTION: Mayor Johnston moved to select Site No. 3 for the location of the I-94 to 30th <br />Street Infrastructure Project Lift station. Council Member Park seconded the motion. <br />Mayor Johnston and Council Members Park and Smith voted in favor of the motion and <br />Council Member DeLapp voted against the motion. <br /> <br />