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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 19, 2008 5 <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Johnson moved to adopt Ordinance no. 08-008 amending <br />the definition of impervious surfaces and amending the allowable impervious surface <br />coverage for lots excluding swimming pools in Open Space Preservation developments. <br />Council Member DeLapp seconded the motion. Mayor Johnston and Council Members <br />Johnson, DeLapp, Park voted for the motion and Council Member Smith voted against <br />the motion. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Johnson moved to adopt Resolution no. 2008-040 <br />authorizing summary publication of Ordinance no. 08-008 in the official newspaper. <br />Mayor Johnston seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. <br /> <br />Appeal hearing on zoning code violations related to accessory structures at 5761 Keats <br />Avenue <br />Mayor Johnston convened the Board of adjustment and Appeals at 10:00 p.m. <br /> <br />City Attorney Jerry Filla reported the City Council, acting as the Board of Adjustment <br />and Appeals, is being asked to hold an appeals hearing to determine if the accessory <br />structure on the Ziertman property at 5761 Keats Avenue violates three sections of the <br />zoning code (Sections 154.094, 154.092 subd I and 154.092, subd K) as identified by the <br />city attorney after receiving a report from consulting planner, Ben Gozola. Notices were <br />distributed to the property owners, the abutting neighbors and the planning commission <br />chair as required by city ordinance. <br /> <br />Attorney Filla reminded the Board that it must act specifically on the validity of this <br />appeal and not act as a policy body of the city. <br /> <br />Ben Gozola, consulting planner, presented the information on the alleged zoning code <br />violations to the Board of Appeals. <br /> <br />Joan Ziertman, 5761 Keats Avenue, stated that historically the City has supported the <br />code in that a small building sheltering animals are not regulated based on the number of <br />structures under 35 sq.ft. located in the city. The 35’ sq.ft. accessory structure is based <br />on very little and not regulated as an accessory structure. The threshold should be 100 <br />sq.ft. which requires a building permit. She believes the definition of domestic farm <br />animals has changed because animals are not kept just for animal producing purposes but <br />large lots have hobby farms which have animals for pets and which require buildings for <br />shelter. Their goat shed does have wind anchors, is not located closer to the road and in <br />her opinion is not considered an accessory structure because it is less than 35 sq.ft. and <br />does not require a building permit. <br /> <br />The Board discussed the appeal, the options for acting on it and timeline for removal of <br />the non compliant structure.