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APPROVED AS AMENDED October 21, 2008 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 7, 2008 <br />3 <br />Washington County Deputy Loperfido randomly drew the following names: Steve <br />Forster, Larry Feldhahn, Mary Feldhahn, Pat Dean, John Meyer, Jerry LeMire, Michale <br />Harrington, and Douglas Ouimet. Alternates are Dennis Oeltjen and Steve Flanagan. <br /> <br />Resident Dave Sovereign, 4415 Olson Lake Rd, suggested for the next deer harvest that <br />the city draw names for each weekend rather to allow for more hunting opportunities. <br /> <br />Consider Improvements to the Community/ Fire Meeting Space in Fire Station #1. <br /> <br />Fire Chief Malmquist explained that fire station required some upgrades to be efficiently <br />used for community meetings, elections and fire training. The station has had no major <br />upgrades in the past 15 years. The funding for this work is budgeted in the capital budget <br />for 2009. Firefighters have volunteered to do the painting and assist with some of the <br />improvement work. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member DeLapp moved to approve no more than $21,000.00 for <br />improvements to the community/ fire meeting space at Station #1 out of the Capital <br />Equipment Fund. Council Member Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />Terminate Existing Agreement on 9224 31st Street North and Approve New Agreement <br />to Bring Property into Compliance with City Code <br /> <br />Administrator Susan Hoyt requested the City Council consider approval of a new <br />agreement for the property at 9224 31st Street North to replace the existing agreement that <br />was adopted in November 2006. The six-month agreement has set perimeters and <br />conditions and the City will take action if conditions are not met. A project manager will <br />be assigned to track this work with the owner Mrs. Hardy. <br /> <br />Council members discussed the follow-up procedures to assure compliance to required <br />housing conditions. Council Member DeLapp stated that it should be torn down; not <br />painted black for a historical house. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Park moved to approve the new agreement, as amended by <br />clarifications from Council Member DeLapp, between Linda and David Hardy, 9224 <br />North 31st Street, to replace the existing agreement dated November 6, 2006. Council <br />Member Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1 with Mayor Johnston and <br />Council Members Johnson, Park and Smith voting in favor of the motion. Council <br />Member DeLapp voted against. <br /> <br />Update on the Comprehensive Water System Plan. <br /> <br />City Engineer Jack Griffin provided an overview of the Comprehensive Water System <br />Plan. The top three priorities 1) provide City water to the 55 homes near Inwood Avenue <br />currently using contaminated well water, 2) add a third City well and 3) connect two <br />existing water mains in northern Lake Elmo with a new line down Keats Avenue.