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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 9, 2008 4 <br />Tom Mechelke, 9090 Jane Road N., expressed his dismay having to look at the tower <br />especially when viewing vistas across Lake Jane from Sunfish Lake Park. <br /> <br />Other residents cited the negative aesthetic aspects of the tower which would be seen <br />from around Lake Jane and Sunfish Lake Park, <br /> <br />Ron Obermueller, 8696 N. 42nd Street, offered suggestions as to where the tower could <br />be placed and how the same coverage could be gained with two smaller towers which <br />wouldn’t dominate the landscape. <br /> <br />Jean Olinger, 9057 Lake Jane N., noted all the change that she and her family had <br />experienced while living on their property for thirty years. During that time the Olinger <br />family did not oppose such changes in the neighborhood <br /> <br />Mark Holm, real estate and zoning manager for T-mobile, explained the company <br />approached the city six months ago and was told that there was no city property <br />appropriate for the tower which is why the company sought out private sites. <br /> <br />Council Member Smith said she would prefer to work with T-mobile officials for an <br />additional 60 days to explore alternative sites for the tower including nearby City <br />property. <br /> <br />Council Member Park stated that applicants, Daniel and Jean Olinger, had presented the <br />City an application in good faith and they deserved to have that request reviewed and <br />acted upon. <br /> <br />Mike Pearson, 2805 Lisbon Avenue N. and a planning commission member, supported <br />Council Member Park's comments stating that the applicant is not getting a fair deal in <br />the process. <br /> <br />State statute requires that a City act on such an application within 120 days, the city’s <br />deadline was December 24th. The Council discussed using 60 days to continue a <br />discussion with T-Mobile officials and staff on the placement of the cell tower and the <br />details that go into building a tower. Mark Holm, real estate and zoning manager for T- <br />mobile agreed to the request for a 60-day extension. <br /> <br />MOTION: Council Member Smith moved to table until February 9, 2009 the application <br />to construct a wireless telecommunication tower at 9057 Lake Jane Trail in order for the <br />staff and T-mobile officials to discuss the location and design. Council Member <br />DeLapp second the motion. Mayor Johnston and Council Members DeLapp and Smith <br />voted in favor of the motion and Council Member Park voted against. <br /> <br />Consider setting a public hearing to establish a moratorium on the construction of a new <br />wireless telecommunications towers – Not Discussed <br /> <br />