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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 4, 2005 8 <br />department upgraded from Fire Fighter I to Fire Fighter II. One safety officer was sent to <br />a training program at the National Fire Academy. This is the second year for the Fire <br />Department Calendar. <br /> 8. CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT: None <br /> <br /> 9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Appeal of Administrative Determination-Chadoua Vue <br />Planner Dillerud reported that on December 7 the Council adopted motion to 1.) Affirm the Building Official’s determination that Mr. Vue needs a building permit for whatever he constructs as an accessory building; and 2.) Postpone action regarding the location of <br />an accessory structure(s) nearer the front property line than the principal structure. <br /> <br />Dillerud reported Mr. Vue has submitted a building permit application for a 30 foot by 18 foot accessory structure, but additional drawings have been submitted beyond those he had submitted with his Appeal. Staff recommended Council direction to remove the <br />lean-to structure; and relocation of the Menards style tool shed to a location within code <br />compliance by June regardless of the outcome of Mr. Vue’s request to place the new <br />accessory structure in front of his house. M/S/F DeLapp/Johnson – to adopt Resolution No. 2005-008 approving an accessory <br />structure located in front of the principal structure at 11991 30th Street. (Motion failed 0- <br />4). <br /> Council member DeLapp stated the whole concept of accessory structures needs to be discussed and determine what a principal structure is and what constitutes an accessory <br />structure. <br /> <br />M/S/P Smith/DeLapp – to direct Chadoua Vue, 11991 30th Street, to remove the lean-to-structure; and relocate the Menards style tool shed to a location in compliance with Code by June 1, 2005. (Motion passed 4-0). <br /> <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith - to send Section 300.13 Subd. 3I of the City Code to the Planning <br />Commission for a recommendation regarding retention, repeal or modification within 90 days. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />B. Plan Amend/Rezone/RE Plat – Cardinal View:Resolutions 2004-005, 006, <br />Ordinance No. 97-144 <br /> The Planner reported the Planning Commission recommend approval of a <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Preliminary Plat, which creates six <br />residential estates lots on a 23.5 acre site at the east end of 15th Street No. A seventh lot <br />would accommodate the existing home on the site. Staff had advised the Commission <br />that the plat design resulted in apparent technical non-compliance with average lot area and septic site area requirements of the RE zoning district.