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03-01-2005 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-01-2005 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 1, 2005 3 <br />Eric, Oak Park Heights city admin, service area would be confined to the Stillwater <br />school district. <br />The project is a community family center and not a ymca. <br /> (3)Planning Commission Appointments M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson to reappoint Todd ptacek to a third term, vital as a rep south of <br />10th street and important to have good planning rep that are active in the process of <br />working with met council. Motion passed 5-0. <br /> M/S/P Deb Lyzenga as the first alternate Johnson/DeLapp Motion passed 5-0. <br /> <br />M/S/P Julie Fliflet appoint as the second alternate, Smith/Conlin. (DeLapp the person <br />form stonegate would best serve the commission (motion passed 4-1Johnston). <br /> 4. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Resolution No. 2005-019:Approving Claims <br />M/S/P to adopt Resolution No. 2005-019, approving claim numbers 243, 244, <br />DD350 through DD362, 26923 through 26954 which were used for staff payroll dated <br />February 17th, 2005 and claims 26955 through 26998 in the total amount of $337,401.25. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />5.FINANCE: <br />6.NEW BUSINESS: <br />7.MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUIDLING: 8.CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT: <br />A.Water Tower Storage Tank Design <br />Override from 60 to 80 wells in the aquifer. Areas have bad water in LJ water advisory, <br />south of hwy 5 and some contamination provide 31st street, Rafferty – investment is a <br />long term project, two potential locations based on making the system perform, determine by hydraulics geographic, and how well balanced liking well 1 and well 2. <br />Site that does not disturb existing trees, has been plowed since we owned it, building our <br />pubic works there, cold storage made the most sense. Future service. Rafferty pointed <br />out how the design of pw bldg did not disturb the area. Tonight deal with how the tower <br />fit on the site. <br />Designs were taken to the pw council committee. Johnston wasn’t legally requ9ired to <br />have a ph on this item, commitments have been made because we are along in the <br />process. <br /> Ed Nielsen 9498 st , park committee, negotiated to purchase this park, with Dave <br />Morgan, commitments they made to the landowners and citizens. Submitted contracts <br />with owners of property along Sunfish Lake. <br /> <br />Lloyd Sherveim options to purchase for park purposes. Colopy, nipoldt, lehadt and francis fredridch, council wanted to get this land for it was developed. 2,000 an acre. <br />Was told he Layhard was selling his land tooo cheap so he could sell land 4,000 an acre.
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