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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 2005 12 <br />Ed Nielsen said he had no problem with the landfill area for a maintenance garage. There <br />is also acreage owned by Ramsey County that could be explored. Jim Blackford said this <br />is not a commercial corridor. <br /> M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp - to send this agenda item back to staff to look into locations in Sunfish Park as discussed for location of the maintenance garage. (Motion passed 5-0). <br /> <br />D. Fields of St. Croix II/Little Blue Stem – Developer Improvements <br />The City Planner reported staff requested direction from the Council regarding incomplete developer improvements within the Fields of St. Croix II plat, and the pending expiration of the Letter of Credit guaranteeing completion of those <br />improvements. The three primary areas of incomplete work are interior street island <br />landscaping, the Public Park located between Fields II and Tana Ridge; and buffer screen <br />forestation along the plat west property line. The Council directed staff to secure an extension of the Letter of Credit ($77,500), and advise the developer (Robert Engstrom Companies) to, within 30 days provided the City Council with his plans and schedule to <br />complete the work. <br /> <br />Robert Engstrom has requested an amendment to the landscape island planting plan to substitute for the prairie grass plan that was approved for those areas 5 years ago. The Planner noted it appears that the HOA has concurred in this plan, and staff also concurs <br />that this is a better approach than prairie grass. While no mention is made of the ball <br />field/soccer field improvements, work had already commenced late last year. Park <br />Superintendent Bouthilet directed work be suspended pending resolution of the property location of the ball field and soccer field per the plan approved by the Park Commission. <br />Cindy Silkworth said there is a big departure from what the plan as presented in number <br />of trees and landscaping that is done. Dillerud pointed out the landscape plan in the <br />packet is the official plan. Engstrom said the plan is very schematic. Mayor Johnston said the City can take the money and complete the plan and then bill Mr. Engstrom for the difference. Engstrom said he thought he had an agreement with the HOA Board of <br />Directors. <br /> <br />The Council asked that the staff schedule a meeting to discuss the landscape plan with Bob Engstrom, Planner Dillerud, Cindy Silkworth, President of the FoSC HOA when Planner Dillerud comes back from vacation <br /> <br />E. Resolution No. 2005-023:Capital Improvements Program Amendment – <br />Street Improvements <br />M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp – to adopt Resolution 2005-023, Amending the 2005-2009 <br />Capital Improvements Program regarding staging of street overlay projects in 2005-2006. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br /> 10. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT: A. Sunfish Lake Park Legal – See Agenda Item 9C.