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<br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 19, 2005 7 <br />M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp – to accept the Comprehensive Plan Amendments now <br />completed and to file the Planning Commission’s Recommendations. (Motion passed 4- <br />0). <br /> E. Comprehensive Plan – Consulting Services <br /> <br />The City Planner reported TKDA had presented a proposal and cost estimate for <br />providing anticipated consulting services related to the Comprehensive Plan <br />modifications required per the Memo of Understanding with the Metropolitan Council. The proposal/estimate is broken down as follows: <br /> <br /> 1. Transportation/Traffic $29,052 <br /> 2. Water System Plan 9,100 <br /> 3. Sanitary Sewer System Plan 5,000 4. Graphics/Land Use Plan 28,000 <br /> $71,152 <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin – to approve the Authorization for Professional Services with <br />TKDA dated March 18, 2005 for the Comprehensive Plan update in an amount not to <br />exceed $70,000. Funding shall be: $10,000 from the 2005 General Fund Budget (Planning & Zoning); and up to $60,000 from the 2005 General Fund Surplus. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br /> <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT: <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: A. Parks Commission Update: <br />Administrator Rafferty reported the Parks Commission decided what type <br />of amenities and activities the Commission would like for the future. They picked <br />several parks and the Commission will be coming back with a final report sometime in 2005. The City will not be looking at any parks for future public facilities. <br /> <br />Council member DeLapp recommended the Parks Commission be given a copy of the <br />MN Land Trust easement for Ridge Park. <br /> 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br /> A. Mayor Johnston: <br /> (1) Proposal by Jim Briemeyer:Objectives for City Administrator <br /> <br />At the April 12th Council Committee, the members reviewed the Briemeyer proposal at a cost of approximately $750 plus up to $200 in expenses. The Council will proceed with <br />this item after the Comprehensive plan has been completed. <br /> <br />M/S/P Johnson/ DeLapp – to accept the proposal by Jim Briemeyer for consulting at a fee <br />of $750 and up to $200 in expenses. (Motion passed 4-0). Council member Conlin asked that Mr. Briemeyer provide all the materials at no additional cost so the City could own <br />them for the future.