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<br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 5, 2005 4 <br /> <br /> 9. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br /> A. Farms of Lake Elmo: OP Stage Plan/Preliminary Plat, Conditional Use Permit; <br />Resolution No. 2005-071 <br />The City Planner reported the Planning Commission adopted a recommendation to <br />approve the OP Development Stage Plan, OP Conditional Use Permit and Preliminary <br />Plat of the “Farms of Lake Elmo”. The Plan designates 30 SFD lots, but also designated <br />three outlots that could become SFD lots should the OP ordinance be amended in the future from 0.40 to 0.45 dwelling units per buildable acre. The calculations and mapping <br />regarding Preserved Open Space must be adjusted to comply with OP ordinance <br />standards as well. In all other respects the Development Stage Plan and Plat reflects the <br />approved Concept Plan and conditions of approval. <br /> The Parks Commission reviewed the Plan and recommended the Public trail link running <br />east/west through the site as consistent with the Trail System Plan. Credit for that trail <br />construction (and easement dedication) as a Public trail will be credited to the Park <br />Dedication calculation of $143,460. <br /> Tim Freeman, Folz Freeman, Erickson, Inc, provided a memo that addressed the City <br />Engineer’s report. The following were items of concern: <br /> <br />Plat – The plat states that a driveway easement thought the Outlot should be platted for <br />the exception parcel in case the property owner wants to abandon their existing driveway. He has had conversations with this property owner, and they like their driveway as it is. <br />The other issue is putting an easement between two of the new homes or behind the new <br />homes is intrusive. <br /> <br />Streets – We strongly disagree with the engineer’s assessment of the code requiring concrete curb and gutters. The lot widths in this development make installing concrete <br />curb and gutter cost prohibitive. The City has never required concrete curb and gutter in <br />OP Developments in the past. <br /> <br />M/S/ Johnston/DeLapp - to change concrete curbs to asphalt curbs in the OP developments. Council members Conlin, Smith, and Johnson would like to look at the <br />whole package, not just OP developments. (Motion Withdrawn) <br /> <br />Council member DeLapp said he didn’t like the double road coming into the <br />development and the trail already exceeded the trail requirements. <br />Mike Bouthilet said there has been preliminary discussion with Washington County who <br />had not made a decision if there would be a trail into the Regional Park. He said it was <br />important to do the segment out to 31st Street and the money would come out of the park <br />dedication requirement.