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08-16-2005 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-16-2005 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 2005 3 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS: 7. MAINTENANCE/PARK/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Update on Building Activities: Jim McNamara <br />The Building Official reported there were no new residential or commercial permits issued for July, 2005. He explained that Link Recreational, 9200 Hudson Blvd., has a permit to redo their parking lot and an excavating/grading permit for better runoff. A <br />letter of credit has been submitted to the City. <br /> <br />8. CITY ENGINEER’S REPORT: A. Stonegate Street Vacation <br />The City Engineer reported he has surveyed the cul-de-sacs at Jewel Avenue and Julep <br />Court to determine how to structure the vacations. Drawings were provided to the <br />council and, if approved, the legal would be prepared. <br /> In his memo dated, August 12, 2005, the City Engineer indicated at Julep Court the City <br />can vacate 5 feet of street right-of-way without impacting the paved portion of the cul-de- <br />sac. He said he had no issues with the 8th street vacation as it would run from the west <br />right-of-way line of Julep Avenue to the west plat boundary. <br /> The City Engineer explained the City can vacate the south 5 feet of Jewel Avenue; however, the property would revert to the City. The City cannot vacate the property in <br />front of the residential lots unless we would remove a portion of the paved part of the cul- <br />de-sac. The paved portion of the cul-de-sac is used by the public and should not be <br />removed. The engineer did not recommend approval. Fire Chief Malmquist explained that fire trucks would be stationed north of 10th Street <br />and asked the Council to ensure that vehicles could reach neighborhoods as quickly as <br />before. He voiced his concern for future roads as the property north of 10th Street <br />develops and didn’t want to see limiting additional access off of 10th Street. The Chief stated that if only access is from down on the frontage road, you are adding 4 minutes to response time and if you cut off their access it will take longer. <br /> <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnson - to direct staff draft to draft a resolution to result in a vacation of <br />the three access points as described by the City Engineer. (Motion passed 5-0.) The Fire Chief said if these areas are vacated, he wanted the City to ensure the Fire <br />Department, etc, have good access in the future. <br /> <br />M/S/P Smith/DeLapp – that the City assures the Fire Department and Sheriff’s Department, and any other emergency vehicles, will have access that is needed consistent with comments of the Chief Malmquist for all future developments. (Motion passed 3-2: <br />Johnson, DeLapp). <br /> <br />
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