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08-16-2005 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-16-2005 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 2005 5 <br />Planner Dillerud explained the plan, staff-dated August 16th, was just received and is <br />different than the plan the Council received in their agenda packet. He said there is one <br />less lot on the entrance road and they are adding a lot along the north and South Street. <br /> Paul Danielson, the applicant’s engineer, said the applicant had meetings with adjacent <br />property owners. He said in order to accommodate neighbor’s concerns.the lots along the <br />entrance road were shortened up and closer to roadway, 5 lots were changed to 4; and a <br />trail created as a walking loop so it’s not close to the house. He said they have brought in <br />Damon Farber and Assoc., an urban landscape firm to assist with landscape planning for the site. He said the septic system has always been planned for a joint system with the <br />church site. <br /> <br />Joan and Steve Ziertman presented their reasons against the proposed concept plan and <br />their memo is attached hereto and made part of the Minutes. <br />Council members Smith and Conlin both said that they dislike the configuration of 4 lots <br />on the east/west street which sit by themselves because it does not make a cohesive <br />neighborhood. <br /> Smith suggested redesign of the OP Plan to take the 4 houses out and to utilize the natural <br />features of the land to provide an alternative deign with those lots grouped with the <br />balance of the OP lots. She suggested that if the applicants move the church to the north <br />they could place the four houses in the vacated area south of the church. <br /> Mayor Johnston and Council member DeLapp said they supported all the comments <br />made by Council Members Smith and Conlin. <br /> <br />Peter Beck, Attorney for the applicant, stated his client could go back to the 48 acre OP <br />plan. He said the Council wanted them to add the 20 acres. He noted that the applicants didn’t ask to add the 20 acres and additional lots. Beck said the church took 9 years to <br />get the church plan approved and wouldn’t want to open this up. <br /> <br />Mayor Johnston asked if the applicant would be willing to withdraw the application. <br />Attorney Beck said the applicant would rather have it tabled to a date certain, and would like two weeks. The Planner noted that the completed application date is July 5th. <br /> <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Smith – to table the concept plan of Deer Glen until the September 6th <br />Council meeting so the applicant can address the four lots in question. (Motion passed 5- <br />0.). Council member DeLapp asked about the road extension to the east property line and for <br />input from the Fire Department. <br /> <br />Peter Beck stated the applicant will come back with the plan both ways regarding the road extension.
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