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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 15, 2005 5 <br />The most recent Letter of Credit renewal/extension expire on February 27, 2005. The <br />development agreement between Robert Engstrom Companies and the City specifies that <br />all public infrastructure and landscape improvements within the Fields of St. Croix 2nd <br />Addition were to be completed by September, 2000. M/S/P Johnson/DeLapp - to notify Robert Engstrom Companies that it may renew the <br />subject Letter of Credit in the full amount for not more than 30 days (i.e. to March 27, <br />2005.) During that 30 day period Robert Engstrom Companies must present to the <br />Council both complete plans for project improvements that remain incomplete (primarily the park and project landscaping), and a detailed schedule for the completion of those improvements. A council decision regarding further extension of the Letter of Credit will <br />be based on their approval of the plans and schedule presented. Any plans/schedules <br />presented by the developer must be on one of the March 1st or March 15 city council <br />agendas. (Motion passed 5-0). If the lender does not approve a 30-day extension of Letter of Credit #1804 at the close of <br />business on February 25, 2005, the City will present the lender with a Sight Draft for the <br />full amount of the Letter of Credit. <br /> B. Resolution 2005-018, Met Council Draft Water Resources Plan <br />The City Planner reported the Metropolitan Council is considering a draft of their Water <br />Resources Policy Plan as is required every 10 years by State Statute. The draft plan <br />covers Regional Policy regarding Waste Water (Sewers), Storm/Surface Water and Water <br />Supply. On February 8, the Public Works Council Committee reviewed the proposed City comments on the draft plan that had been prepared by staff and directed that those <br />comments be incorporated into a resolution for City Council consideration. A draft <br />Resolution was submitted for approval. <br /> <br />M/S/P Johnson/Smith - to adopt Resolution No. 2005-018 offering City Council comments on the Metropolitan Council Draft Water Resources Plan. (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br /> C. Street Naming Ordinance <br />At their February 8 meeting, the Council’s Public Health and Safety Committee directed <br />staff to draft Council action that would reintroduce a uniform street naming system within the City that follows the general pattern (Alphabetical west-to-east) of the 1971 <br />Agreement, but which also allows some street naming latitude as long as the alphabetical <br />range is adhered to. This reintroduction of the uniform street naming system was brought <br />to the City’s attention by the Lake Elmo Fire Department and the Washington County <br />Sheriff’s Department. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Smith – to adopt Ordinance No 97-149, A Uniform Street Naming And <br />Numbering System. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br /> <br /> <br />