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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 3, 2004 6 <br /> <br />12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Freedom Information Act – Council member DeLapp reported that he had called the Met <br />Council for background on some of their accusations against the city. He had heard that the lower level employees at the Met Council were directed not to talk to anyone from Lake Elmo. DeLapp thought there must be some basis the Met Council didn’t want us to <br />know about and if we found that out this could help our legal team. The Acting City <br />Administrator explained that during the discovery phase our attorneys demanded every <br />piece of information regarding Lake Elmo. If the Met Council failed to provide us with some information, they are in violation and in contempt of court. Dillerud said he didn’t know if there is anything new other than METC staff opinions brought forth. <br /> <br />Mayor Hunt presented information on the following: <br />Arbor Day – Information on a seminar on saving trees will be passed onto the Council and planning commission. The Council was asked to submit names for appointment to for expired term of South Washington Watershed District. <br /> <br />The Center for the American Experiment is having their dinner and a table of 10 can be <br />purchased at a cost of $25,000 or $150 for an individual ticket. Council member Dunn advised that the Gathering Garden Cafe located on Lake Elmo <br />Avenue is now open for business. <br /> <br />Mayor Hunt indicated the desire to have a follow-up workshop between the Council and Marilyn Condon to discuss strategic planning. There was some question if this workshop was covered under the initial agreement versus paying an extra $1,000. <br /> <br />Council member Johnston – The perspective review of the Center for American <br />Experiment report has been delivered to all the AMM metro agencies committee and the committee will be asked to make recommendations. <br />Council member Siedow reported that there was an article in the Stillwater Gazette <br />regarding the new MN/WI Bridge, and one of the options taken off was no bridge at all. <br /> The Council adjourned the regular council meeting at 8:55 p.m. to discuss property complaints and the Hidden Bay property. <br />--------------------------- <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy City Clerk <br /> Resolution No. 2004-011 Approving Claims Resolution No. 2004-012 Approve the OP Concept Plan for Whistling Valley Second <br />Addition <br />Resolution No. 2004-013 Approve 2004 CDBG Grant Application <br />