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02-17-2004 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-17-2004 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 27, 2004 2 <br /> 1. AGENDA <br />ADD: Park and Ride Lot on Keats Avenue, Donation from Oakdale Gun Club <br />M/S/P Siedow/Johnston - to approve the February 17, 2004 City Council agenda, as amended. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />2. MINUTES: February 4, 2004 <br />M/S/P Johnston/Siedow - to approve the February 4, 2004 City Council minutes, as <br />presented. (Motion passed 5-0). 3. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/INFORMATIONAL: A. Study Presentation – Old Village Constructed Wetland Wastewater <br />Feasibility <br /> Scott Wallace, North American Wetland Engineering, gave a presentation on the Old Village Wastewater Treatment Feasibility Study. Wallace said he based his work on the <br />Thorbeck study, but also did soil investigations on the parcels in the Old Village Plan. <br />The soils are the limiting factor. <br /> The Planner suggested that because the study was lengthy and detailed, it will require review before specific project recommendations and staging can be addressed. He <br />reported that he had provided the City Engineer with a copy of the study so he could <br />investigate if his plan for stormwater would not conflict with the integrated wastewater <br />plan. Mayor Hunt stated this will overlay our planning and the next step would address how <br />the City stages something like this. He also said the City would investigate what money is <br />out there and look into using wastewater treatment areas as amenities. He concluded that <br />he did not believe that anybody on this Council will force someone with a functioning private septic system to hook up to any new City system. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston – to receive the Feasibility Study for Old Village Wastewater <br />Treatment and to direct the Staff and City Engineer to review the Study, and bring forth <br />specific recommendations to the Council regarding implementation and staging of the Study elements. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />B. Donation from Oakdale Gun Club <br /> <br />The Council received a donation of a $1,000 from the Oakdale Gun Club to offset the legal costs incurred in our legal fight against the Met Council. Mayor Hunt will write a <br />thank you letter for the Council to sign at the March 1st meeting. <br /> <br />M/S/P Dunn/Johnston – to accept the generous donation of $1,000 from the Oakdale Gun <br />Club, 10386 10th St. N., to offset the legal costs incurred in the City’s litigation with the Met Council. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />
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